Recruitment and Admission of Medical Physics Residents

Recruitment of residents takes place annually, and begins with an advertisement placed in the Training Programs section of the AAPM web-site. The advertisement is placed each year in October for matriculation by the prospective resident to the program on July 1 of the following year. The advertisement specifies qualifications required of applicants, and a date after which further applications are no longer accepted. The advertisement also provides contact information to the administrator to the director of the residency program, who responds to all inquiries with a document that specifies what is required in an application.

All candidates applying to the Medical Physics Residency Program must have a Ph.D. in medical physics, physics, biophysics, radiological sciences, engineering, or a related field with a particularly strong background in physics.  In addition, applicants are required to have either graduated from a CAMPEP-accredited graduate program or have completed a CAMPEP-accredited certificate program.

Application Instructions and Timeline

Stanford is participating in the MedPhys Match program and will not consider applications outside the program. Interested candidates seeking the application package should apply at MP-RAP. Please search Stanford University Medical Physics Residency to find our openings. Our NMS number is 10511.

A complete application must be submitted through the AAPM Medical Physics Residency Application Program (MP-RAP). The deadline for applications is Dec. 1st, 2023, for a July 1st, 2024, start date.


A Complete Application Contains:

  1. A cover letter that contains a personal statement
  2. A curriculum vitae
  3. Three letters of reference
  4. An official transcript covering the applicant’s graduate education

Application review and candidate interviews follow a 3-stage process:


1. Initial Review

Each application is independently reviewed by a review comittee, which includes the program director and the associate program director. Applicants will be informed by email regarding the next stage no later than the 3rd week of December.

2. Preliminary Virtual Interview

The top applicants are invited to participate in preliminary virtual interviews. Virtual interviews are 15 minutes in length and are conducted with a panel of the program director and the associate program director. Applicants will be informed by email regarding the next stage no later than the 2nd week of January.

3. Medical Physics Division (Panel) Interview

The final candidates from preliminary interviews are invited to participate in a more in-depth interview process with 3 panels composed of 2-3 medical physics faculty and 1 panel of all current residents.  Candidates are informed ahead of time that they are expected to have a 10-15 minute presentation with 5 minutes for questions. It is important that all candidates prepare accordingly. Interviews will be conducted virtually. The final interview days for 2024-2025 cycle will be determined in the next couple of weeks, but typically at the end of January. 

Interview Dates are also shared with the Society of Directors of Academic Medical Physics Programs here

Interested candidates seeking further information should contact Ana Diaz.