12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Tuesday Tue
Stanford University School of Medicine
291 Campus DrStanford, CA 94305
Medical Physics Seminar - Xiuxiu He PhD
KV Image Decomposition
12:00pm – 1:00pm Seminar & Discussion
Zoom Webinar
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Sponsored by the Radiation Oncology, Division of Medical Physics
Xiuxiu He PhD,
Xiuxiu is postdoc/resident at the MSK hybrid Medical Physics residency program. Together with her mentor, Dr. Tianfang Li their research focuses on deep learning in intrafraction motion management with on-treatment images.
KV Image Decomposition
X-ray image quality is critical for accurate motion tracking to assure safe delivery of radiation therapy. The fundamental problem for any motion tracking method using x-ray images is the overlapping of the targe with other organs/tissues because 1) the overlap reduces the visibility of the target in x-ray images; 2) the overlapping organ/tissues may have different motion than the target and can potentially induce errors in image registration. With recent efforts and progress, I will discuss our idea of improving kV image contrast using deep learning-based decomposition.