Directory of Online Content
The Directory of Online Content (DOC) is a resource for all interested in the intersections of the arts, humanities, social sciences and health, medicine and bioscience. Most of the links point to websites which host specific videos, visual materials, pedagogic materials and other content. Please note that some links have commercials on the site or prior to the video; the DOC project has no connection to any of these entities. Some links may be to sites where difficult to find resources can be purchased; note that this project neither endorses nor receives benefits from such links. Many of the links address multiple issues and cross category boundaries. Also, please peruse the various categories under Resources and Links for other web-based information on health and medical humanities and the arts.
Bioethics / History of Bioethics
Advance Directives U Texas San Antonio
American Medical Association of Journal of Ethics: Ethics Cases Index
Ethical and Legal Implications of Using Medical Imaging to Predict Behaviors and Read Your Mind
Guatemala Experiments in the 1940s: PBS Report
Comics and Graphic Medicine
Cross Cultural Issues
End of Life / Do Not Resuscitate / Palliative Care / Hospice
Historical and Global Perspectives
Patient/Caregiver Experiences and Perspectives
"Man of the People" (Reply All podcast)
RadioLab (Oliver Sacks episodes)