Art at Li Ka Shing Center

SoM Art Committee Members

Sheun (Shay) Aluko, Stanford Medical Student IV
Niraj Dangoria, Associate Dean, Office of Facilities Planning & Management
Dana Leonard, Stanford Medical Student II
Ruth Marks, Stanford Medical Student IV
Asheen Rama, MD, Clinical Instructor, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine
Sam Rodriguez, Clinical Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology, Perioperative & Pain Medicine (VICE-CHAIR)
Audrey Shafer, Professor, Anesthesiology, Perioperative & Pain Medicine (CHAIR)
Sakti Srivastava, Associate Professor (Teaching) of Surgery (Anatomy)
Lauren A. Toomer, Lecturer (Teaching) of Art & Art History (Art Practice), Surgery (Anatomy)

Current Exhibits


Past Exhibits

Delphine Lucille - Through the Stone
2014 - 2015

Delphine Lucielle’s artwork is a tribute to the Earth. Her glass paintings reveal the geological patterns hidden inside rocks and illuminate images of crystalline structures that make up the very material Silicon Valley is based upon.

Exhibit Flyer

Stanford's School of Medicine Art Exhibit displays faculty's artistic side

Lubert Stryer
Ira Glick
Matthew Scott (Photo on the left.)
Iris Litt
Dale Garell

Exhibit Flyer