Des Moines University
Academic Medicine
(see sections: Medicine and the Arts, Teaching and Learning Moments, Cover Art)
Academic Pediatrics
(see In the Moment section)
Academic Psychiatry
(see Poetry and Other Creative Works, and Perspectives, in the Features section)
American Journal of Bioethics
American Journal of Kidney Disease
(see sections: In a Few Words)
American Medical Association Journal of Ethics
Call for Images of Healing and Learning
AMWA (American Medical Women’s Association)
(Mind to Mind section)
Annals of Internal Medicine
(see sections such as: Ad Libitim; Words that Make a Difference)
Appendix: A Journal of the Medical Humanities (Medical School for International Health)
Ars Medica
Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice
Bellevue Literary Review
Blood and Thunder
University of Oklahoma College of Medicine
The Body Electric
University of Illinois-Chicago College of Medicine
British Medical Journal
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics
CMAJ: Humanities
The Compass
Configurations: The Journal of the Society for Literature, Science and the Arts
Evening Paper, Center for Narrative Practice
The Examined Life: A Literary Journal of the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
Families, Systems & Health (see “Families, Systems and Health in Our Lives, and Poetry and 55-Word Stories”)
Family Medicine
Harmony Magazine
A publication of the Curricular Affairs department’s Medical Humanities program at the University of Arizona College of Medicine
Hastings Center Report
The Healing Muse
Health Affairs
(see Narrative Matters section: first-person essays about experiences with health care)
Hektoen International: A Journal of Medical Humanities
Hospital Drive: A Journal of Reflective Practice in Word and Image
Submissions will be accepted from anyone involved with providing, teaching,
studying, or researching patient care.
The Human Factor
University of Missouri-Kansas City Medical School
International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice
International Journal for Disease Reversal and Prevention (IJDRP)
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics
International Journal of Humanities and Healthcare
Penn State University
The Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine
Journal of the American Medical Association
(see http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/pages/instructions-for-authors for sections such as A Piece of My Mind, Poetry, The Arts and Medicine (email artsandmedicine@jamanetwork.org)
Journal of Anesthesia History
Journal of Clinical Oncology
(See Art of Oncology section)
Journal of General Internal Medicine
(note section: Healing Arts: Text and Context; Materia Medica)
The Journal of Art and Aesthetics in Nursing and Heatlh Sciences
Journal of Healthcare, Science and the Humanities - A Navy Medicine Publication
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation
Journal of Medical Ethics
Journal of Medical Humanities
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy
Journal of Narrative Medicine in Ophthalmology
Click HERE for call for submissions
Journal of Narrative Visions
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal
The Lumen
Literature and Medicine
Medical Encounter, American Academy on Communication in Healthcare
Medical Humanities (British Medical Journal)
Medical Law Review
The Medical Muse
Medicine Studies: An International Journal for History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Editor: Prof. Dr. Norbert W. Paul, M.A.
Mirabilia Medicinae
submit creative writing to: Teri Reynolds treynol@itsa.ucsf.edu
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics: A Journal of Qualitative Research
New England Journal of Medicine
Patient Education and Counseling
(note section: Reflective Practice)
The Pegasus Review
The Perch: An Arts & Literary Journal
The Permanente Journal: Medical Science, Social Science in Medicine and Medical Humanities
(also see: Leaflet: The Permanente Literary and Arts e-Journal)
Perspective in Biology and Medicine
The Pharos
Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine
Probe Magazine
Pulse Magazine
Research and Humanities in Medical Education
University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi, India
Rubor: Reflections on Medicine from the Wasatch Front
University of Utah, School of Medicine
The Rutgers Journal of Bioethics
Social History of Medicine
Survive & Thrive: A Journal for Medical Humanities and Narrative as Medicine
Synapsis: A Journal of Health Humanities
Third Space
Journal of Literature and the Arts published by students at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Voices in Bioethics
Yale Journal for Humanities and Medicine
Wild Onions