Newborn Screening Program

Stanford Area Service Center

Welcome and congratulations on the birth of your baby

One of your baby’s first tests is an important one. Just a few drops of blood from the heel will indicate a healthy beginning for your baby. But there are instances in which you may receive a notification from your baby’s doctor informing you of a positive result on your baby’s newborn screen. What she/he is telling you is further testing is needed to determine whether this is true. This is your opportunity to talk to your baby’s doctor with questions about your baby’s health and your family’s health history.

Newborn screens are required by the public health program soon after your baby’s birth. The purpose of newborn screening is to identify babies with  sometimes serious but treatable genetic disorders. By identifying these disorders early, treatment can be started right away. Your baby’s doctor will work closely with a pediatric specialist to provide diagnosis and treatment recommendations.


Stanford Newborn Screening Area Service Center

Discovery Hall 

455 Broadway

Redwood CIty, CA 94063

Phone: (650) 724-8120 
Fax: (650) 725-1460