Error Messages for Draw and Shuffle Requests

The following messages will appear in the "Prior Results/Info" section of theDraw website:

BYPASS - Bad Period/Closed

This message indicates that the student has tried to "ADD" or "REPLACE" a clerkship which is closed or not available for the specified period. Examine the clerkship request to be sure that the request is specifying the correct period and the correct ACA Year.


This message indicates that this request was bypassed because a previous Only1 request for this character group was drawn . Once a clerkship is drawn for an Only1 group, the rest of the requests marked with the same Only1 character are bypassed.

BYPASS - Dup fnd in curr per

This message indicates that the student has tried to add a clerkship which he already has drawn in the same period and section as specified in the "ADD" or "REPLACE" request.

BYPASS - Period not empty

This message indicates that the student has tried to "ADD" a clerkship to a period which already has a clerkship during this time slot with the status of drawn or notified . Once a student has filled a particular period with a clerkship with the status of notified , all future requests will be bypassed.

DRAWN - Clerkship available

This message indicates that the clerkship was available and has been added to the student's schedule with a status of notified .

DUPCLRK - Already Drawn

This message indicates that the student has submitted an "ADD" or a "REPLACE" request for a clerkship which has already been added to his schedule with the status of drawn .

DUPCLRK - Already Notified

This message indicates that the student has submitted an "ADD" or a "REPLACE" request for a clerkship which has already been added to his schedule with the status of notified.

DUPCLRK - Already Waitlisted

This message indicates that the student has submitted an "ADD" or a "REPLACE" request for a clerkship which has already been added to his schedule with the status of waitlisted.

MAXWAITLST - Waitlst cnt exceeded

This message indicates that the student has exceeded the maximum number of waitlists for a particular period. The default number of waitlists that can be scheduled for any one period is 5 .

NOPREREQ - AftrCourse not sched

This message indicates that the student has tried to add a course during the "DRAW" procedure and does not have the prerequisite courses for this clerkship. The clerkship will not be scheduled.

WAITLIST -Clerkship not open

This message indicates that the clerkship is currently full and the student has been added to the clerkship's waitlist. If openings become available during the shuffle process, the student will automatically move up on the waitlist.

Fishbowl Illustration