
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) plays a central role in clinical diagnostic care and basic neuroscience research and MRI technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Our lab is focused on MRI technology improvements for neuroimaging. Along with improvements in imaging speed and resolution we develop new types of image contrast that allow us to visualize previously undectable features of healthy and diseased brain tissue.

Multi-dimensional Diffusion Encoding

We are developing new diffusion MRI encoding and modeling schemes that improve the efficiency, fidelity and specificity of diffusion MRI (dMRI) measurements to different features of tissue microstructure​. This includes double diffusion encoding and q-space trajectory imaging with integrated eddy current correction schemes.

Mapping Cortical Fiber Patterns

We are developing diffusion MRI methods that map fiber patterns within cerebral cortical grey matter. These methods will enable improved visualization of cortical pathologies and injury, as well as assessment of healthy neurodevelopment and optimal coil placement for transcranial magnetic stimulation applications.

Integration of MRI and Advanced Histology

We are developing methods that enable robust, direct comparisons of MRI and advanced histology performed in the same human brain tissue specimens. Much of this work is currently focused on comparisons with 3D CLARITY histology, which enables improved visualization of structures that project in three dimensions such as neuronal fibers and vasculature. These types of comparisons help to interpret indirect MRI measurements and refine the MRI methods.

Mixed-Reality Neuronavigation for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

We are developing an mixed-reality neuronavigation system for transcranial magnetic stimulation procedures that integrates holographic brain MRI overlaid onto the real world patient with continuous tracking and feedback of the predicted stimulation pattern for a given TMS coil position, within a single head-mounted display. This system aims to lessen the entry barriers for adoption of image-based neuronavigation by developing a low-cost device that accelerates and simplifies the procedure and allows operators to quickly gain intuition for optimal coil positioning.

Diffusion Tractography for Neurosurgical Targeting

We are developing diffusion MRI tractography-based targeting methods for deep brain stimulation and high-intensity focused ultrasound neurosurgeries. Many of the desired targets cannot be directly visualized with conventional structural MRI but are thought to be key locations to effectively modulate connectivity patterns along specific fiber bundles. We aim to map the fiber bundles directly and identify their intersection point within the targeted deep grey matter structures to provide improved visualization of the optimal targets. We test these methods retrospectively by identifying the correspondence between the tractography-defined target and the electrode or HIFU ablation site and correlating with patient outcomes.