Postdoctoral Support Frequently Asked Questions
1. Q: I would like to request a Pre-Submission / Resubmission consultation with a MCHRI reviewer. How do I go about doing that?
A: Pre-submission & Resubmission consultations are required to be requested at least 30 days prior to the application due date for the program and you may request a consultation via email at Please keep in mind that our reviewers are busy and may not be able to meet individually, immediately following the prior cycle, or based on an individual’s provided availability In addition, make sure you have discussed your proposal with your Primary Research Mentor prior to any meeting with a reviewer as their guidance should not take the place of any formal, individualized mentorship.
2. Q: I am an incoming postdoctoral fellow to Stanford. May I apply for the Postdoctoral Support Program?
A: Yes, you may apply. However, you must have a postdoctoral appointment date effective no later than the application deadline.
3. Q: I submitted a new application but was not funded. May I resubmit my application?
A: Yes, we allow one (1) resubmission.
4. Q: Are multiple applications from the same lab accepted?
A: No, multiple applications are not accepted from the same lab. The number of applications and total number of funded postdoctoral fellows per lab/PI shall be limited to one per cycle and at any given time.
5. Q: I am resubmitting my application. Does my resubmission count toward the per lab/PI limit?
A: Yes, the one fellow per lab/PI limitation will be met with your resubmission.
6. Q: A postdoc from my lab currently holds a MCHRI award. Can another postdoc from my lab submit an application?
A: No, another postdoc from your lab may not submit an application unless they are in the last 6 months of their renewal year.
7. Q: Should I wait until I am notified that my proposal has been funded to submit my IRB application?
A: No, you should submit your IRB application as soon as possible and list the MCHRI Postdoctoral Support Program as a possible funding source. The IRB review meeting date must be included in your MCHRI application.
8. Q: I am completing my Stanford IRB eProtocol and the IRB is requesting a SPO number associated with this award. Do you know if one was assigned?
A: Our MCHRI awards are internal grants and not considered sponsored research by the school’s definition. A SPO number is not required.
9. Q: I submitted a proposal for the Postdoctoral Support Program. Approximately when should I expect to hear back regarding its funding status?
A: Fall Cycle: 1st or 2nd week of December. Spring Cycle: 1st or 2nd week of June.
10. Q: I was notified that I was awarded a MCHRI Postdoctoral Support Grant. What is required of me?
A: MCHRI requires a guarantee PTA at time of award such to protect the account from falling into overdraft. In addition, all requirements of the associated Notice of Award must be met in order to be eligible for renewal funding and any future MCHRI grants.
11. Q: My award notice stipulates that I am eligible for a non-competitive renewal. What is MCHRI’s definition of external funding?
A: MCHRI defines external funding as any non-Stanford, competitive funding mechanism that is applied for directly by the awardee. For instance, a NIH T32 training grant is not applicable. However, a NIH F32 meets the criteria.
12. Q: I would like clarification on if my Mentor has submitted the associated mentor support form.
A: As a requirement for your award, the MCHRI Mentor Support Form must be completed prior to the submission of your application. It is recommended that you complete the initial steps of creating an application record 4 weeks in advance of the deadline in our grant management system such that your mentor has sufficient time to complete the form. Late forms will not be accepted unless a significant rationale is provided.
13. Q: I would like to update my application with the status of a newly published article. Is this possible?
A: No, this is not allowed due to the short turnaround time in our review process. If publications are in press, please make sure to properly reference them on your NIH Biosketch.
14. Q: Are 4th and 5th year Postdocs eligible to apply for the MCHRI Postdoctoral Support Program?
A: Eligibility is limited to first through third year postdoctoral fellows (applicant must be in their first through third postgraduate year (PGY) at time of application). Priority is given to applicants in the first and second year of postdoctoral training at Stanford. Third year applicants are eligible to apply for up to 1.5 years of funding to support the remainder of their third year, and through their fourth year. Third year applicants must justify how this funding will help their career path. e.g. facilitate a change into a new field, etc.
15. Q: I am planning to apply for the MCHRI Postdoctoral Support Program, however, my sponsor will not be able to guarantee 50% support in the second year. Am I still eligible to submit for this funding opportunity?
A: Yes, it is still possible to submit. However, MCHRI will only be able to provide 1 year of funding.
16. Q: My primary research mentor has left Stanford. Am I eligible to continue to hold an MCHRI Award?
A: Yes, it is possible for you to continue your MCHRI-supported project. Please note that you will be required to identify a new mentor and provide an updated mentoring plan which needs to be approved by the program panel chair(s).
17. Q: I am planning to resubmit my application. Does my Primary Research Mentor need to resubmit the mentor form?
A: Yes, a new mentor form is required for each resubmission. As this grant is designed to support career development, an updated status of the applicant’s progress is necessary given the 5-6 month duration between each funding cycle.
18. Q: Do you provide sample of past awarded grants or recommendations on formatting?
A: No, please refer to the associated program application form and grant instructions for reference on formatting and application packaging.
19. Q: What is the recommended format for the Primary Research Mentor letter attesting to salary cost sharing for the year 2 renewal?
A: Please refer to the MCHRI Grant Instructions – Letters of Support Section.
20. Q: My Primary Research Mentor did not receive (or complete) the mentor support form. What do I do now?
A: Our mentor form is completed via RedCap. The system sometimes has difficulty when a mentor has multiple SUNet’s. Please contact MCHRI Administration via email at for additional support. MCHRI will resend the mentor form directly to your mentor for completion. Please Note: Last minute requests may not be able to be processed.
21. Q: What does the field “Cycle” or “FY” refer to?
A: MCHRI offers multiple funding opportunities per year each with chances for resubmission. To ensure proper tracking, please provide the current Fiscal Year (FY) or funding cycle (Cycle) for the associated submission date. (e.g. a Fall 2020 grant program would be FY 21, Fall Cycle)
22. Q: I was not funded by MCHRI in the last cycle. Do I have to resubmit for the next cycle or may I delay my resubmission for a future cycle?
A: You may delay your resubmission for any future cycle. If all eligibility requirements have been met. Please note that our funding mechanism may change. Please check the associated MCHRI program page for more information.
23. Q: Please provide information regarding the definition of Principal Investigator (PI), Collaborator & Co-Investigator. Do they need to be included in my application?
A: MCHRI uses the NIH guidance for definition of Co-Investigators and Collaborators. PI’s are the individual submitting the project that is eligible for the funding mechanism. Please follow the associated program application form & grant instructions for guidance on how to include them in your application.
24. Q: Must the project commitment be a total of 2 full years (24 months)? I may go for my residency and my postdoc appointment will be only 20 months.
A: The second year of funding is not guaranteed and is contingent upon the time you are a postdoc within your first to third year. MCHRI will pro-rate the second year, if approved, to meet our policy requirements.
25. Q: I just started by postdoc at Stanford but I already completed a postdoc at another institution. Am I eligible to apply for the MCHRI Postdoctoral Support Award?
A: Yes, you may apply for this funding opportunity. We track your status starting from day that you started at Stanford.
26. Q: Are applicants with an H or J visa eligible to apply?
A: Yes, you may apply for this funding opportunity. If an applicant has been approved to work at Stanford by the person’s department HR, then we will gladly accept the applicant pending they will be able to meet the other award terms.
27. Q: I have a question regarding the specific age range for child health. Can you please provide guidance on the age limits for your funding mechanism?
A: MCHRI uses the NIH “Child” definition. For more information, please view their website.
28. Q: Do I need to be a MCHRI member to apply for the MCHRI Postdoctoral Support Grant?
A: Yes, you do need to apply for membership prior to submitting your application as does your Primary Research Mentor. Please click here to apply for membership. Please note that it may take up to 2 weeks for us to process your membership request.
29. Q: Can a NCX be requested for a Postdoc Grant?
A: An NCX can be requested for up to 6 months (max) under unusual circumstance through this link.
30. Q: Can an MCHRI Postdoc award be used to support an awardee’s salary & benefits while out on leave?
A: MCHRI desires to facilitate awarded trainees during parental leave, while ensuring awarded funds directly support research training effort, to the extent possible. Situations for such leaves must be approved on a case-by-case basis. It is MCHRI’s preference that the award be used to fund any extension granted to the awardee and for the department to support the leave itself such that the awardee has sufficient time to complete the awarded project.
Before any such situation is granted approval, please email and state whether or not the postdoc will be granted an extension and how the postdoc plans to complete the awarded project.