Eureka Institute for Translational Medicine
Certificate Participants
MCHRI Eureka Certificate Course in Translational Medicine
MCHRI launched the inaugural local Eureka-inspired course, MCHRI Eureka 2020 Certificate Course in Translational Medicine. This 5-day intensive course was held at Asilomar Conference Center in Monterey, CA, from February 9 to February 13, 2020. Learn more.
View 2020 Participants.
Eureka International Certificate Course
Participants of the certificate program receive a comprehensive overview of translational medicine and explore the challenges researchers and scientists encounter in this field, as well as problem-solving strategies, team-building approaches, and effective communication skills. The Eureka Institute for Translational Medicine International Certificate Course takes place in April in Siracusa, Italy.
Past Participants
Eureka Summer School Course
The Eureka Summer School Course provides an opportunity for our participants to learn the latest developments in translational medicine and develop skills that are essential to becoming a translational researcher. The following participants attended Eureka’s Annual Summer School Course in Translational Medicine in Utrecht, Netherlands:
2019 Participants
Jeffrey Liu, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Pediatrics (Stem Cell Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine)
Jennifer Tsai, MD
Clinical Fellow, Pediatrics (Hematology & Oncology)
2018 Participants
Coralee Del Valle Mojica, MD, MPH
Tashia and John Morgridge Endowed Postdoctoral Fellow; Pediatrics (Infectious Diseases)
Marko Jakovljevic, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Radiology
Eureka Monsoon School Certificate Program
2019 Participants
William Goodyear, MD, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Pediatrics (Cardiology)
Zachary Sellers, MD, PhD
Instructor, Pediatrics (Gastroenterology)
Elizabeth Wall-Wieler, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Pediatrics (Neonatal & Developmental Medicine)