Biostatistics and Data Management Support

The Stanford Maternal and Child Health Research (MCHRI) has partnered with the Quantitative Sciences Unit (QSU) in the Department of Medicine to provide comprehensive biostatistics and data management support, for research that is directly related to maternal and child health.  This resource is available to all MCHRI members and their mentees.  Projects will be reviewed for significance to maternal and child health prior to resource allocation.

If you are a MCHRI member or a mentee of a MCHRI member,
submit a maternal and child health-related request directly to the QSU here:

About the Quantitative Sciences Unit

The QSU is a collaborative group of over 20 data scientists including faculty and Masters- and PhD-level staff.  QSU members collaborate with investigators by lending expertise in study design, database creation, data management, and data analysis using an interdisciplinary collaborative approach. Their expertise is available for consultation, the development of grant proposals, and implementation of funded projects.  

For questions about QSU consultations, please contact:

Mary M. Chen, MS, MBA
Executive Director
Stanford Maternal and Child Health Research Institute
Assistant Dean, Maternal Child Health Research
Phone: 650.736.9783

Mary Boulos, MPP
Managing Associate Director
Quantitative Sciences Unit, Department of Medicine
Phone: 650.498.9393

"The Quantitative Sciences Unit is such an incredible resource for investigators who are in the process of submitting a research grant.  I was impressed with the level of service provided by the team member, including their thoughtful review of the project, suggestions for revisions, and guidance in creating a sophisticated statistical plan. I look forward to using this MCHRI resource many times in the future."

Michelle Kaplinski
Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics (Cardiology)