Transdisciplinary Initiatives Program (TIP)
"Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects nearly 1 in 54 children and constitutes a significant concern for public health, yet the etiology of the disorder is not known. Funding from MCHRI has allowed us to investigate, for the first time, neurobiological markers that detect autism and predict severity of autism symptoms in male and female children in novel quantitative ways that were not previously possible."
Kaustubh Supekar, PhD
The Taube Family Endowed Transdisciplinary Investigator for Maternal Child Health
Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
2024 Awards
Project Title: A Proof-of-Concept Pilot for a Multi-Modal Preclinical Screening Pipeline for the Inflammatory Demyelinating form of X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy
PI: Keith Van Haren, MD, Assistant Professor, Neurology and Neurological Sciences (Child Neurology)
Co-PI: Scott Dixon, PhD, Associate Professor, Biology
Project Title: Culture-Independent Rapid Sepsis Diagnostics
PI: Charles Gawad, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Pediatrics (Pediatric Hematology, Oncology, Stem Cell Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine)
Co-PI: Alberto Salleo, PhD, Professor, Materials Sciences
Project Title: Innovative Platform to Unravel the Mechanisms Behind Mucus Obstruction in Lung Disorders
PI: Carlos Milla, MD, Professor, Pediatrics (Pulmonary, Asthma and Sleep Medicine)
Co-PI: Gerald Fuller, PhD, Professor, Chemical Engineering
Project Title: Maladaptive Myelination in Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
PI: Juliet Knowles, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Neurology and Neurological Sciences
Co-PIs: Paul Nuyujukian, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Bioengineering;
Jennifer McNab, PhD, Associate Professor, Radiology (Radiological Sciences Laboratory);
Elizabeth Tong, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Radiology (Pediatrict Radiology)
Project Title: The Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Psychosocial Stress, Environmental toxins, and Inflammation on the Development of Psychopathology in Young offspring: A Cross-Cultural Study
PIs: Ian Gotlib, PhD, Professor, Psychology;
David Stevenson, MD, Professor, Medicine (Neonatal and Developmental Medicine);
Marshall Burke, PhD, Associate Professor, Environmental Social Sciences
Co-PIs: Gary Shaw, DrPH, Professor, Pediatrics (Neonatal and Developmental Medicine);
Andres Cardenas, PhD, MPH, Assistant