LPCH Academic Grant Awards
Awards 2013
PI: Brian Feldman
A Regenerative Medicine Therapy for Treating Muscle Wasting
Co-PI: Alfred T. Lane, Jayakumar Rajadas, M. Peter Marinkovich
Microneedle Patch Delivery of Type VII Collagen to the Skin
Co-PI: David K. Stevenson, Jayakumar Rajadas, Ronald J. Wong
Chemoprevention of Neonatal Jaundice Using Zinc Protoporphyrin
PI: Matt van de Rijn
ROR2 is a novel therapeutic target in pediatric and adult neoplasms
Stanford Cancer Intitute
PI: Eric Alejandro Sweet-Cordero
Personalized Genomics in Pediatric Oncology
Stanford Cardiovascular Institute (CVI)
PI: Gerry Berry
A clinical-grade next generation sequencing assay for targeting DNA mutations in inherited non-syndromic cardiomyopathies
PI: Susan M. Fernandes
Risk Factors for Acquired Cardiovascular Disease in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease
Co-PIs: Daria Mochly-Rosen, Daniel Bernstein, Tobias Meyer
Identifying the Master Integrator of Cardiac Cell-Fate Decision
Stanford Institute for Immunity, Transplantation and Infection (ITI)
PI: Brian Feldman
Nano-Engineered Plasmonic Chip for Point-of-Care Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes
Stanford Institute for Neuro-Innovation & Translational Neurosciences (SINTN)
PI: Michelle Monje
White matter development as a paradigm for postnatal plasticity
Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
PI: Michael Longaker
Identifying xenograft factors affecting human skeletal stem cell differentiation in mice