Main Publications
Rawlings T.M., Makwana K., Taylor D.M., Molè M.A., Fishwick K.J., Tryfonos M., Odendaal J., Hawkes A., Zernicka-Goetz M., Hartshorne G.M., Brosens J., and Lucas, E.S. Modelling the impact of decidual senescence on embryo implantation in human endometrial assembloids. Elife 2021.
Molè M.A. (*), Coorens T.H.H (*), Shahbazi M.N (*), Weberling A. (*), Weatherbee B.A.T. (*), Gantner C., Sancho-Serra C., Richardson L., Drinkwater A., Syed N., Engley S., Snell P., Christie L., Elder K., Campbell A., Fishel S., Vento-Tormo R., Behjati S., and Zernicka-Goetz M. A single cell characterisation of human embryogenesis identifies pluripotency transitions and putative anterior hypoblast centre. Nature Comm. 2021: 12(1):3679
Molè M.A. (*), Weberling A. (*), Fässler R., Campbell A., Fishel S., and Zernicka-Goetz, M. Integrin β1 coordinates survival and morphogenesis of the embryonic lineage upon implantation and pluripotency transition. Cell Rep. 2021: 34, 108834.
Molè M.A., Weberling A., and Zernicka-Goetz M. Comparative analysis of human and mouse development: from zygote to pre-gastrulation. In Current Topics in Developmental Biology, 2020: pp. 113–138.
Molè M.A. (§), Galea G.L., Rolo A., Weberling A., Nychyk O., De Castro S.C., Savery D., Fässler R., Ybot-González P., Greene N.D.E., and Copp A.J (§). Integrin-Mediated Focal Anchorage Drives Epithelial Zippering during Mouse Neural Tube Closure. Dev. Cell 2020: 52, 321-334.e6.
McShane S.G., (*), Molè M.A., (*), Savery D., Greene N.D.E., Tam P.P.L., and Copp A.J.. Cellular basis of neuroepithelial bending during mouse spinal neural tube closure. Dev. Biol. 2015: 404, 113–124. (