Funding Your Education

Pursuing a Stanford MCiM degree presents a substantial commitment to your future, making the financial aspect of this investment a pivotal consideration. Stanford graduate students have a range of options to explore for funding their education. These alternatives encompass personal savings, loans, external scholarships, family resources, and governmental support. MCiM does not have Department Scholarship Awards available at this time.

Students in the MCiM program are eligible for Financial Aid, and we encourage you to explore if that option is available to you.

Below, you will discover details regarding tuition, attendance expenses, and avenues to financially support your MCiM education. We encourage you to apply to those programs for which you are eligible.

Cost of Attendance

The MCiM tuition fee structure is based on Stanford University's graduate student tuition schedule. Our program is a full-time program, requiring enrollment in 11-18 units per quarter and completion within four quarters.

As you contemplate applying to graduate school, you can utilize the chart below to formulate your financial strategy for MCiM.

Tuition and Fees

2024-25 Tuition Schedule

Academic Calendar Note: MCiM begins in summer quarter, meaning the program spans two academic years in the Stanford calendar. Stanford's annual tuition updates starting in the Autumn quarter.

  Per Quarter Annual
Summer Tuition (11-18 units), 2023-24 academic year $19,582  
Remaining Quarters Tuition (11-18 units), 2024-25 academic year $20,365  
Estimated Annual Tuition   $80,677

This is not an inclusive chart, and students may be subject to additional miscellaneous fees as determined by the University. Individuals who elect to live in on-campus housing have additional costs. More information can be found at Stanford Graduate Student Housing.

MCiM students will be responsible for securing and financing their accommodations to attend classes on Stanford’s campus every other weekend (Friday and Saturday).

Beyond tuition, a master’s program encompasses additional living expenditures like housing, meals, transportation, and other university fees. The combined total of tuition and these miscellaneous costs constitute the standard cost of attendance. You can approximate the cost of attendance for the 2024-2025 academic year by computing both the tuition and non-tuition expenses set by the university on an annual basis.

Stanford University requires that all registered students carry adequate health insurance. This requirement can be met either through Cardinal Care, the University-sponsored health insurance plan, or through an alternative insurance plan that has comparable benefits.

See the detailed estimated student budget from the Stanford Graduate Admissions office. Details about tuition rates, refunds, and other campus fees can be found in the Stanford Bulletin