Majeti Lab Policies
Compensation (Wages/Stipends/Benefits)
To support full-time Undergraduate students during the summer, the Majeti lab actively pursues Bio-X and VPUE grants.
Graduate Students receive financial support for tuition, a living stipend, and health and dental insurance coverage through their graduate program and are encouraged to apply for fellowship funding through Stanford and through the NSF, NIH, or other public and private funding agencies.
Postdoctoral Scholars are compensated according to the University’s funding levels and guidelines, which includes medical benefits at no cost to the Postdoc. Clinical fellows at the School of Medicine are funded at the PGY level established by GME at Stanford Hospitals & Clinics.
Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Scholars, and Clinical Fellows are also strongly encouraged to apply for Fellowships as a part of their Career Development. In addition to direct mentorship by Dr. Majeti, the University offers a variety of programs in support of these efforts, most notably the Grant Writing Academy and an actively maintained list of funding opportunities.
The living expenses in the Bay Area are amongst the highest in the country and thus can be challenging for trainees. Stanford is making efforts to mitigate some of these burdens by providing free passes for public transportation (Caltrain GoPass), guaranteeing housing for Graduate Students, and more recently opening the on-campus housing lottery for Postdocs. The Office for Postdoctoral Affairs has compiled resources for prospective Postdocs regarding living expenses. For current students, Stanford offers a variety of programs to plan and manage personal finances, including classes and personal coaching.
Conference Travel
Dr. Majeti will cover expenses for lab members to attend one national or international scientific meeting per year with his approval. Increases in travel allowances will be considered on a case-by-case basis, especially for trainees who are presenting (talk or poster). Graduate students may also apply for Travel Grants for up to $1000 from the Stanford Biosciences Office of Graduate Education.