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Natasa Tifkovic
Research Staff

Natasa Tifkovic

Research Interests:

My research commenced in food sciences and has expanded towards medicine. I have conducted research on emulsions of water within lubricating oils and investigated potential methods of mitigating harmful emulsion stability caused by particle laden interfaces. I analyzed and modeled the role of membrane-tethered mucins in axial epithelial adhesion in patients suffering from dry eye phenomenon by subjecting cell-on-cell layers of live ocular epithelia, which express mucins on the apical surfaces, to compression/decompression cycles. In the Maduke Lab, I am learning about the CLC family of proteins, their dynamics and vital role in the human body. 

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Madagascan Vanilla

Favorite movie: Snatch

Hometown: Zurich, Switzerland

Hobby: Swimming, Surfing and Scuba Diving

Favorite Wu-Tang Member: Gen Z here, no idea