Gary H. Glover, PhD
sprlio (spiral in/out, GRE or SE)
Can be triggered per scan or per slice; can be clustered or equispaced acquisition; can obtain up to 32 slices per 2 seconds.
Recon generates nii images as well as onefiles.
If physio monitoring is selected on Advanced Tab will generate .physio file
Replacement for fMRI.
epigg (epi, GRE or SE)
Based on EPI, adds k-space filtering options, trigger options, physio monitoring, phase encode ordering.
Used for fMRI.
episms (EPI simultaneous multi-slice, GRE or SE)
Typically acquires up to 6 simultaneous slices with TR 350ms using 32 channel head coil.
Recon can take several hours; images are in nii format sent to DICOM computer
Used for fMRI.
B0 Map (GRE, magnetic field mapping)
Generates field maps from two concatenated TE acquisitions, as DICOM images.
Used for distortion correction in brain imaging.