Notes regarding Gary's SMS research psd ('episms'):
SNR (signal-to-noise ratio)
SMS does not intrinsically cost SNR because the kxy sampling of a given slice is not changed. Rather, multiple slices are gathered simultaneously. However, typically the TR is reduced concomitantly with the SMS factor and that *does* cost SNR because of increased T1 saturation with the shorter TR. The net result is that for an SMS = 6 (what we typically use) and a TR of 350 ms, you gain approximately 25% in CNR over the scan. It is less than the square root (6) because of the T1 effects and temporal autocorrelation (non-independent samples as the TR is shortened).
N Frames
The first N frames are part of the calibration procedure required for SMS, and they are discarded. This needs to be taken into account for a task scan. Here N = Num_calibration scans * SMS_factor (eg., 2*5 = 10).
The recon is run on an offline computer and is part of a complex set up. A very large raw data file is transferred automatically to the offline computer along with some other smaller files. The nifti files are then automatically sent directly to the Dell PC dicom computer, not the MR scanner.
TR Triggers for the EEG System
The episms research psd supplies the EEG system with TR triggers, needed for post-processing.
Number of slices (TR & SMS factor selection)
The TR depends on the number of slices, the SMS factor and the spatial resolution. For 64x64 resolution, it takes approximately 60 ms to acquire a SMS group of slices. With higher resolution, it takes more time than 60 ms. For example, in 1110 ms, 18 * 3 slices can be acquired. If more or less slices are required, either the TR or the SMS factor must be modified. SMS factors up to about 6 work with the Nova 32 channel head coil - if using SMS factor of 8, some artifacts may appear due to coil geometry factor (g).
Contact Information
Please contact Gary at, 650-723-7577 or 650-302-6902 for additional questions.
Posted 2017_0103, 2017_0301