Updates for Research Scanning

Research MRI Scanning

Last Updated: April 23, 2023

As research MRI scanning begins again, various limitations and restrictions apply as mandated by Stanford and government agencies. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) apply for various situations as described below. These procedures may be modified as conditions dictate.

Stanford is cautiously restarting research in a phased approach, and has approved the scanning of phantoms and, beginning June 10, 2020, a pilot study of human subjects under limited conditions, namely, the operator and participant must be members of the same lab. All users will have to have Stanford-mandated approval from their department, and are required to abide by Lucas Center policies provided here. Facial masking is recommended for both scan operators/personnel as well as participants but not required. If masks are utilized by scan participants, they must employ the MRI-safe masks supplied by the Lucas Center. As before, the Center will supply gloves when scanning humans. Handwashing hygiene, social distancing and other regimens described in the documentation must be strictly adhered to in the Center. Safety of all persons is the topmost priority, which entails detailed attention to disinfection/cleaning.

Before scheduling scans, all users must:

    1.  Review current Stanford COVID-19 Guidance;

    2.  Obtain approval for research restart from home department AND Radiology Departments (Stanford-mandated);

    3.  Read and follow the Lucas Center SOPs;

    4.  Have Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Please review the SOPs and reference documents below.


Reference Documents

COVID-19 Screening/Attestation Forms



Non-Contact Thermometer Instructions

PPE Example: Face Shield

Town Hall (Oct. 26, 2020): Resuming General Human Subjects Scanning


     Presentation Slides