
Congratulations Fellows!

The life science Alliance is excited to present our second cohort of Bridging Excellence Fellows!

Our postdoctoral fellows are the catalysts for joint research endeavors between Stanford and EMBL, combining the best methods, resources and know-how for their cutting-edge research projects. Pablo Rivera Mejías, Joyce Man and Michael Zhao's transatlantic research journeys are underway.

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Meet our Members: Gautam Dey

Amidst the challenges of starting a new lab during a pandemic, Gautam shares how the Alliance has helped him reconnect with his “academic roots” from his PhD at Stanford University, and how these early experiences are helping to shape his future lab. 

With a new Bridging Excellence Fellow, joining the Dey lab, they are kicking off the next generation of transatlantic collaborations with Gautam's old volleyball buddy, Gavin Sherlock.

Inaugural Bridging Excellence Fellowships Awarded
The life science Alliance is excited to present our very first cohort of Bridging Excellence Fellows!

Read more about the joint fellowship program and the joint research that Jana and Berni are undertaking as part of their transatlantic experience.

Meet our Director: Lars Steinmetz
With his joint position as a Senior Scientist in the Genome Biology Unit at EMBL and Professor of Genetics at Stanford, Lars is the primary link between the two institutions. Hear more about his unique career, the benefits of transatlantic collaborations and what we are looking for in a bridging excellence fellow.

AI in Healthcare Symposium October 2020

The Life Science Alliance and the MOLIT Institute in Heilbronn presented their first joint event! Attended by over 150 participants, the symposium brought together researchers from across the globe to address the promises and challenges of artificial intelligence in healthcare. Over two days we highlighted the latest insights and applications of AI across the whole healthcare system, from bench to bedside and the global community. 

 The first joint EMBL | Stanford workshop in Structural Biology.

Researchers from Stanford and 3 EMBL sites came together to talk and think about common opportunities and challenges in the field, as well as discuss plans for future collaborations.

Kipoi provides centralised access to standardised machine learning models.

A new repository from the Stegle, Kundaje and Gagneur Labs provides free centralised access to machine learning models trained on genomic data.

Biologist + Statistician = interdisciplinary science at its best.

Susan Holmes visited EMBL for her Distinguished Visitor Lecture. We took this opportunity to speak to Susan and Wolfgang Huber about their joint research, their new book Modern Statistics for Modern Biology and the benefits of a Stanford-EMBL alliance.

Collaborating to cure rare disease.

We caught up with two of our postdocs from the Bertozzi and Steinmetz labs who are working on the project dissecting NGLY1 deficiency. They talk to us about their work on the project, tips for collaboration and how it will play a role in their future careers.