2019 Leeper Lab Holiday Party
Leeper lab Christmas party 2019. Great fun at the white elephant part and a big sendoff to star post doc Vivek Nanda as he graduates the program.
Vascular Biology Award from ATVB and the AHA
Congratulations to Dr. Leeper for receiving the 2019 Special Recognition Award in Vascular Biology from ATVB and the American Heart Association.
Transatlantic Sync
Congratulations to post-doctoral fellow Pavlos Tsantilas for helping organize the 2019 Transatlantic-Sync at the Computer History Museum in Silicon Valley. Pavlos did a fantastic job on stage with Dean Lloyd Minor, Gottfried Ludewig, Beth Rogozinski and Peter Schardt where they discussed digital health initiatives for the future.
Leeper Lab Alumnus Opens Lab
Congratulations to Leeper Lab alumnus Kevin Nead, MD for starting his independent lab at MD Anderson. Looking forward to amazing things from Kevin and his team!
Young Investigators Award
Congratulations to outstanding post-doc Ying Wang for receiving a ‘Young Talent’ award from the Fondation Leducq to study the role of somatic mutations and epigenetic modifications in vascular smooth muscle cells during atherogenesis.
White Coat Ceremony
Congrats to former Leeper lab member and Firestone Award winner, Sophia Xiao, on her white coat ceremony and starting medical school at UCSD!
Vascular Medicine Graduation
Vascular Medicine fellow, Dr. Mohammad Atif Rana, graduated the Vascular Medicine program in August of 2019. Congratulations to Dr. Rana!
Notice of K01 Award
Huge congratulations to Leeper lab alumna, incredible surgeon-scientist, and even better human being on her K-grant notice of award. Way to go Elsie!
Gordon Research Conference on Atherosclerosis in 2021
Congratulations to Drs. Nick Leeper and Esther Lutgens who were voted in as incoming Vice-Chairs for the Gordon Research Conference on atherosclerosis in 2021.
Promotion to Professor, Dr. Nicholas Leeper
Congratulations to Dr. Leeper on his promotion to Professor! The University Provost approved the promotion of Dr. Nicholas Leeper to Professor in the Department of Surgery and the Department of Medicine, effective August 1, 2019. Join us in congratulating Dr. Leeper on this well-deserved promotion!
Future Faculty of Cardiovascular Sciences (FOCUS) program
Elsie Ross, MD, Assistant Professor of Surgery has been accepted into the UC San Diego, Future Faculty of Cardiovascular Sciences (FOCUS) program. The goals of the UC San Diego Future Faculty of Cardiovascular Sciences (FOCUS) Summer Institute are to provide strong mentorship, enhance critical academic and grant writing skills and the development of cardiovascular research to improve the long-term success of early career faculty and transitioning postdoctoral scholars from groups underrepresented in the biomedical workforce.
Ying Wang, Ph.D's article on the cover of ATVB May 2019
Congrats to Ying Wang, Ph.D, who’s article on vascular SMCs was published on the cover of Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (ATVB) this May 2019!
Dr. Wang's article Smooth Muscle Cells Contribute the Majority of Foam Cells in ApoE (Apolipoprotein E)-Deficient Mouse Atherosclerosis can be found at the following link: https://doi.org/10.1161/ATVBAHA.119.312434
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology.
Dr. Tsantilas receives CVI Travel Award
Congratulations to Dr. Pavlos Tsantilas for receiving the March 2019 Cardiovascular Institute travel award. Dr. Tsantias will present his research on Smooth Muscle Cell Dedifferentiation in Advanced Artherosclerosis at the American Heart Association Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine Scientific Sessions 2019.
First International Plaqomics Leducq Consortium Conference
Dr. Leeper attended the first International Plaqomics Leducq Consortium conference hosted by Visiting Professor Jeanette Erdmann in Lubeck, Germany.
Dr. Leeper receives the American Heart Association Established Investigator Award
Congratulations to Dr. Nicholas Leeper, Assistant Professor of Surgery and Medicine for receiving the Established Investigator Award (EIA) from the American Heart Association (AHA). Per the AHA, this award is designed “to support mid-career investigators with unusual promise and established records of accomplishments”. The Leeper lab plans to use this support to investigate emerging immunological aspects of atherosclerosis, with a focus on developing new translational therapies designed to suppress vascular inflammation.
Vascular Medicine Fellow Announcement
We are thrilled to announce that Amy Kaufman M.D. will be our new vascular medicine fellow beginning in July 2019. Congratulations and welcome Dr. Kaufman to the Stanford Vascular family!
Amy was born and raised in Southern California. She attended Stanford University for college and majored in Biological Sciences. After college, she worked at a medical device startup. She then moved to Chicago to attend medical school at the University of Chicago and stayed in Chicago for her internal medicine residency. She is excited to return to Stanford for a Vascular Medicine fellowship. In her free time, she enjoys all things tennis, hot yoga, trip planning, and tea time.
Dr. Leeper Named as Trustee of the Society for Vascular Medicine
Dr. Leeper has been nominated to serve a second term as a Trustee of the Society for Vascular Medicine. The Society for Vascular Medicine is a professional organization that was founded in 1989 for a broad mission of improving the integration of vascular biology advances into medical practice. We are honored that Dr. Leeper serves as Trustee.
Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (R35) by the National Institutes of Health
Congratulations to the Leeper Lab for receiving a 7-year R35 award from the NIH. This grant will allow the team to study the fundamental origins of atherosclerosis, with a particular focus on the mechanisms by which cells undergo clonal expansion during disease progression, and how they can be translationally targeted for therapeutic purposes.