Kurtz Lab - Translating Genomics

Genomic technologies have transformed the way we understand cancers. This includes both how we study cancer in the laboratory, as well as the way we care for patients in the clinic. Our mission is focused on developing and applying tools leveraging genomics and other molecular features to detect cancer earlier, which will ultimately lead to better and more personalized treatment for patients, with a particular emphasis on lymphomas and other blood cancers. Toward these goals, we draw from a wide range of disciplines, including molecular biology, computational biology, bioengineering, and medical oncology.


  • PhasED-Seq published! The limit of detection for ctDNA-MRD with current methods are suboptimal. In a recently published study, we describe Phased Variant Enrichment and Detection by Seqeuncing, or PhasED-Seq, as a method to improve on current limits of detection down to the parts per million range. Read about it at Nature Biotechnology.
  • Congratulations to Brian Sworder, MD/PhD, for having his work on ctDNA analysis after CAR19 T-cell therapy in DLBCL highlighted in the plenary session at the International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma!

How to support research in the Kurtz Lab

  1. Go to Stanford Make a Gift
  2. Choose your gift type
  3. Select I Want to Support Stanford Medicine
  4. Select Stanford Medicine (other)
  5. Under special instructions, specify "For lymphoma research under the direction of  David Kurtz"