Weight-Bearing Imaging Of The Knee Using C-Arm CT
(Left) Acquisition set up in weight-bearing configuration using a C-arm CT. (Right) Sagittal slice of the reconstructed image of the knee. Thanks to contrast injection, the profile of femural and tibial cartilage is clearly visible.
- The overarching, long-term goal of this study is to develop novel in-vivo weight-bearing computed tomography (CT) imaging to expand our understanding of the mechanical stresses that affect knee cartilage and meniscus health. In particular, we are developing and optimizing new protocols to obtain quantitatively accurate measurements of in vivo articular cartilage thickness using C-arm CT at the resolution limit of the system of 210 µm isotropic. Specifically, we are working on new algorithms to correct for involuntary motion and for dynamic range-related artifacts, and to automatically segment cartilage. In addition, we are developing strategies to quantify time-dependent deformation of cartilage as a sensitive and early indicator of cartilage health and an important component in the evaluation of osteoarthritis status.
Serena Bonaretti, Mary Hall, Marianne Black, Scott Hsiegh, Robert Bennet, Norbert Pelc, Marc Levenston, Garry Gold
Rebecca Fahrig, Jang-Hwan Choi, Andreas Maier, Bastian Bier, Jennifer Maier, Bjoern Eskofier, Emily McWalter
Choi JH, McWalter EJ, Datta S, Mueller K, Maier A, Fahrig R, Levenston M, Gold GE. Tibial Cartilage Creep During Weight Bearing: In vivo 3D CT Assessment. In Proceedings of the OsteoArthritis Research Society International (OARSI) World Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2016.
Choi JH, McWalter EJ, Fahrig R, Gold GE, Levenston M. In Vivo Diffusivity of a Contrast Agent in Articular Cartilage of the Human Knee Joint: a Feasibility Study. In Proceedings of the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2016.
Choi JH, McWalter EJ, Datta S, Mueller K, Maier A, Gold GE, Levenston M, Fahrig R. In Vivo 3D Measurement of Time-dependent Human Knee Joint Compression and Cartilage Strain During Static Weight-Bearing. In Proceedings of the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2016.
ORS New Investigator Award - JangHwan Choi (March 2016)
The study is funded by NIH 1RO1AR065248-01A1.