Our projects are funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health and GE Healthcare.


Our current grants are:

Osteoarthritis: Quantitative Evaluation of Whole-Joint Disease with MRI (NIH 2RO1 EB002524)

Goals: Improving MRI imaging of articular cartilage in osteoarthritis.

Role: Garry Gold, Project direction, student supervision.

Advanced MR Imaging of Early Osteoarthritis (NIH K24 AR062068)

Goals: Study cartilage in an OA population while comparing new MRI methods.

Role: Garry Gold, Principal Investigator.

Advanced MR Applications Development (GE Healthcare)

Goals: Improve MR Imaging in Body, MSK, Pediatrics, and Interventional MRI

Role: Garry Gold, PI on entire project; PI of Musculoskeletal Tiger Team

Image-guided cancer interventions (NIH P01-CA159992)

Goals: Improving the imaging and treatment of soft tissue tumors using HIFU.

Role: Garry Gold, Project 1 Co-PI: MR-Guided HIFU of Soft Tissue Tumors.

Quantitative 3D Diffusion and Relaxometry of the Knee (NIH R01 AR063643-01)

Goals: Developing new MRI techniques for Knee Imaging.

Role: Garry Gold, Co-Investigator.

Enhanced Clinical Diagnosis of Early Osteoarthritis (NIH R01 AR052784-01)

Goals: Testing new MRI techniques for early osteoarthritis.

Role: Garry Gold, Co-Investigator

Comprehensive MRI Near Total joint Replacements

Goals: Imaging around metallic implants with MRI is challenging. This proposal addresses some of the challenges involved with imaging around total joint replacements, including knee and hip arthroplasty.

Role: Garry Gold, Co-Investigator

PET-MRI Advance Research and Development Project (General Electric Healthcare)

Goals: Evaluate PET-MR in Knee Pain

Role: Garry Gold, Co-Investigator

Weight-Bearing Imaging of the Knee Using C-Arm CT (NIH 1RO1AR065248-01A1)

Goals: Development of a 3-D image-based test to evaluate cartilage health in knee joints.

Role: Garry Gold, Principal Investigator.