Welcome to the Jagannathan Lab at Stanford!
The Jagannathan lab at Stanford University focuses on human immunology of infectious diseases.
The main objectives of our group are to study naturally acquired immunity to malaria in childhood, the immune response to Pf infection during pregnancy, novel interventions to prevent malaria in endemic settings, and the immunologic benefits of malaria control interventions.
Our group has also been drawn into the COVID-19 response.
Along with Dr. Upi Singh in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine, Dr. Jagannathan is leading a trial of a novel therapeutic – Peginterferon Lambda (Lambda), a type III interferon - for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infected outpatients (NCT 04331899).
Alongside this clinical trial, the lab is studying the impact of Lambda on the host immune response to SARS-CoV-2.
Affiliated Sites
Immunology Podcasts
A few interesting podcasts giving updates about the latest happenings in immunology and malaria research!