Research & Security

If you are a School of Medicine researcher applying for a grant (from NIH, for example), TDS Information Security Services is here to help you. It is extremely important that medical data be kept properly secured, and having a solid and properly-audited security plan, approved by a University IT official, is necessary for most grant funding. During the grantwriting process, we can review your data security plan or help you create one based on your data usage needs. Once your grant proposal is accepted, we can then help you implement the computer security steps outlined in your plan.

Security and Budgeting

Computer security has fixed costs associated with it; to accurately assess your project's funding needs, you should build those expenses into the initial grant proposal. For example, you might need to buy a server and/or host a server in the TDS data center, which has fixed monthly costs. If your project needs a dedicated server, all associated costs are in addition to the regular tech support you receive as part of the university, and would therefore likely affect your facilities, administration, or equipment budget.

Stanford Resources: DoResearch

Stanford now has an online hub for all on-campus researchers, with a wide range of resources, procedures, and answers:

The site covers everything research-related, from costs to data-sharing to security to a complete walkthrough of Stanford's best practices for a federal grant application, and is the best place to start.

More Stanford-provided information about grants and data management:

Data Management: Further Reading

More help and information about creating data management plans for research grant proposals, brought to you from other universities and resources: