If you have a Mac with a multi-volume or multi-drive configuration, you will need to take the following steps to ensure its full encryption and compliance with school policy. Please read these steps carefully and contact your local IT if you are not comfortable with any of them, or if you encounter any issues during the encryption process.
1. Backup Verification
It is important that the volume to be encrypted has a good backup before you begin encryption. If you use the School of Medicine's Code42 (formerly CrashPlan) service, you can verify the backup of a particular volume or drive on your machine through the CrashPlan application.
A. Under MacOS: Choose "Show Code42" from the icon in the menu bar at the top-right of the screen, or run CrashPlan from the Applications folder.
B. Once you log into Code42/CrashPlan, the initial screen will show a list of all of the volumes and internal drives that have been backed up.
2. Enable encryption of volume
A. Locate the icon for the volume to be encrypted using the Finder window. You may need to navigate down to the computer-level view of your machine to see this icon.
B. Right-click on the volume icon, and choose Encrypt "Volume Name" from the drop-down menu.
C. You will be prompted to enter a password to protect the volume. Use a complex, long password. If the Filevault recovery key is available, it could be used as the password.
D. Once you enter the password, the volume will being encrypting. Encryption will take anywhere from 24-36 hours. Please leave your machine on and attached to a power source overnight to facilitate this process.
While there isn't a ready mechanism to determine percentage complete, if you are comfortable with terminal, you can use the command [diskutil corestorage list | grep "Conversion Status:"] to get the status of the volume encryption.
3. Set up automatic mount for the encrypted volume
Once the volume is encrypted, by default, you will need to enter a password in order to view it. If you prefer, however, you do have the option to set up an automatic mount of the volume.
A. Reboot the machine. You will be asked if you want to mount the volume.
B. Enter the volume password and select the checkbox to save the password to the key chain. This will enable the volume to mount automatically when you next login.
C. If there are multiple user accounts on this computer and the accounts need to be able to access this volume, this step should be repeated for each user account.