Research Technology

 We support the Stanford Medicine research mission through a variety of services:

  • HIPAA Information Privacy and Security: The Campus Information Security Office (ISO) provides advice and assistance with HIPAA information privacy and security issues for all School of Medicine faculty, staff, and students
  • Data Center Services: IRT provides researchers with secure, HIPAA-compliant Data Center services.
  • Clinical Data Access: The Research Informatics Center (RIC) supplies IRB-approved research projects with clinical data from STAnford medicine Research data Repository (STARR). The STARR platform was previously known as the Stanford Translational Research Integrated Database Environment (STRIDE). IRT develops and operates the STARR platform.
  • Data Science Resources: The Data Science Resources (aka DASHER) website offers a one-stop-shop to access the tools, datasets, data platforms and methodologies for conducting innovative clinical and translational research. IRT participates in DASHER consultations.
  • Research Infrastructure, Tools and Services: Research Technology at TDS designs, develops and operates infrastructure, tools, and services used by researchers, patients/participants, and clinicians to collect and combine data to make discoveries and to improve human health and wellness.
  • Clinical Trials: IRT operates the Stanford Clinical Trials Registry.
  • Faculty/Staff/Student Profiles: IRT maintains the Community Academic Profile (CAP) system which provides a searchable profiles for the public.