New Computer Setup
This page describes how to set up your Mac or PC for use on the Stanford School of Medicine network. If you need to purchase a computer, see the section on Purchasing a Computer. To set up a new printer, you will need to register it separately; see the instructions for Printer Setup.
Obtain a SUNet ID
A SUNet ID is the unique account name that identifies you as a member of the Stanford community and allows you to access the Stanford University network. You must have a SUNet ID to register your computer on the network.
To learn more about or request a SUNet ID, see Get a SUNet ID.
Install the Essential Stanford Software
Register your Device on the School of Medicine network
You must properly register your device on the network before you can use the School of Medicine’s data communications networks. You can self-register most devices: simply plug your device into an Ethernet connection on the School of Medicine network (or select the "Stanford" wireless network), then try to connect to any website.
See Gaining Access to the Network for more information on accessing the network.
Install Recommended and Productivity Software
Stanford School of Medicine offers software for free or at a greatly reduced price for departments, faculty, and staff. To learn more about these opportunities, see Recommended Software.
Contact us for help
Contact TDS at 5-8000 if you experience any problems setting up your computer, or see How to Get Support for more information.