IT Support
TDS provides IT support to all faculty, students, and staff at the School of Medicine. Support is provided via our service desk, walk-up Tech Bar, and onsite support technicians. (Onsite support limited to main campus and certain off-campus locations.)
- Standard IT Support includes:
- Encryption and data security support
- Mobile device configuration & connectivity
- General computer support
- Network connectivity
- Essential productivity software (install & launch)
- Clinical application connectivity
- Computer purchasing, configuration and deployment
- Facilitation of device repair by authorized repair center
- Device return, repurposing & disposal
- Limited support for personally-owned devices used for Stanford business
- Currently Out of Scope:
- Devices not used for Stanford business
- Website development & maintenance
- Relocation/moves of personnel groups exceeding five people
- Operating systems other than Windows, Mac OS X, iOS or Android
- AV and presentation technology
- Hardware repair (other than facilitating repair by an authorized repair center)
- Extensive software training
- Document/PowerPoint design
- Server administration, maintenance & support
- Software development
Note: Some services (AV support, website development, application development, server management) may be available from other TDS groups or from IT Support via an enhanced support agreement.
More information & resources
- New Computer Set-Up supplies step-by-step instructions on how to configure your computer properly for the School of Medicine network
- Get a SUNetID helps you acquire access to Stanford's computing resources
- Training Resources provides links to a variety of technical training resources
- Maintaining Your Computer covers maintenance procedures you should follow to keep your computer and your data secure
- Server Support describes server-based data hosting, and outlines TDS supported servers
- Database Support describes how TDS can support your database, from the desktop to data center
- Hardware Support provides information on both hardware support and data recovery
- Software Support has information on Mac OSX and Microsoft Windows software
- Printer Set-Up has information on setting up a new printer for network access
- Print Resources has answers to some of your printing-related questions
- SUMCnet has information on how to access this highly secure Virtual Network
Stanford Medicine Tech Bar
In person assistance for your laptop, mobile devices, applications, and general computing questions.
No appointment necessary
IT Support
For tech support, training resources and technical solution recommendations, including our Service Desk:
- TDS Help Form
- TDS Service Desk: 650-725-8000
- There's also a searchable set of self-help information available at Stanford Answers. See How To Get Support for further information.