Register in iLab
The BSL3 Service Center and many other Stanford University service centers use iLab Solutions' web based shared scientific facilities management application to provide a single, centralized virtual “Storefront” for its users. You must have an iLabs account to access BSL3 and its services.
Follow the link for registering as a Stanford user (with SUNet ID)
The following has to happen sequentially:
- Before accessing the facility services and instrumentation, all users must register (with all info, not leaving any field blank) and choose the correct lab to be associated with (PI on the grant, lab PI etc.) and then submit the registration.
- If entered correctly, your lab financial administrator should get an email from the iLab system informing that someone "requests" to be included in the lab. (If you do not know your administrator for the lab, see "Who are my Financial Managers in iLab" below.)
- That admin would need to go through the same link into the iLab system, approve that request from the student and also assign a PTA or PTAs for the user. You must have a lab PTA assigned for iLabs to work for you.
- Users can then access services at the core facility — when signing up for training (see below) or making reservations select a PTA in the PTA box.
Steps between 2 and 3 can be stuck if the wrong lab or the wrong admin was listed in the iLab system — therefore, if you cannot get past the "registration and notify-admin" page — do contact to inquire about who your admin is and contact the admin directly (some administrators may not be aware that they have been assigned as the admin, iLab-support can help resolve that if PI wishes to change the admin assignment in the system; iLab login is the same link above for everyone: admin, core personnel, PI and users). The core facility does not possess the authority to change fundamental iLab settings attributed to your lab or the PTA's.
Once registered and associated with your home lab and have a PTA, you can request training.