Fellowship Pathways

Training experience that aligns with your career goals.

Our fellowship's tracks are structured to provide trainees with experiences that align with their career goals.

In addition to fellows entering directly into the Rheumatology Fellowship Program, we work closely with the Translational Investigator Program (TIP) for physician-scientists undertaking internal medicine residency at Stanford.

Fellows choose between one of two tracks during the first year of fellowship.


Research Pathway

(3+ years)

The Research Pathway at Stanford Immunology & Rheumatology offers clinical training and research opportunities to physicians who wish to specialize in rheumatic diseases. The primary goal of the program is to prepare trainees for an academic career in either basic science or clinical research. Funding via our T32 training grant and/or additional sources is guaranteed for all additional years of research beyond the already funded initial 2 years of ACGME-accredited training in rheumatology. The clinical training required to become ACGME Board-certified in Rheumatology is concentrated into the first year of fellowship, allowing for protected time for research in year 2 and beyond. 

Basic Research

This track is intended for those fellows interested in bench and translational research; this course requires a close affiliation with an established laboratory or translational scientist. The target grant mechanism is the K08 award.

Clinical Research

This track is appropriate for fellows interested in clinical research as a principal career activity; it similarly entails a close relationship with an established mentor. The Division will fund coursework to obtain training and certificates in Epidemiology and Clinical research.  A program offering a Masters in Epidemiology and Clinical Research is available, and there are potential opportunities for funding to support Rheumatology fellows interested in earning a Masters degree through this program.

Clinician Educator Pathway

(2 years)

The Clinician Educator Pathway at Stanford Immunology & Rheumatology offers training and educational opportunities to physicians who wish to specialize in clinical practice and/or education.  This pathway combines clinical and teaching experiences into a training tailored towards a career in clinical practice and/or an academic environment.  The primary goals of the program are to train: (1) outstanding clinicians who will be adept at managing rheumatic diseases; and (2) future academic faculty members.

This track is ideal for fellows seeking to be, first and foremost, outstanding clinicians; training is oriented towards optimizing clinical skills, usually with a special emphasis on a group of diseases and/or on teaching skills. The Division will provide funding for USSONAR for fellows wishing to pursue certification in musculoskeletal ultrasound. The Division will fund the coursework to obtain training and certificates in Epidemiology and Clinical Research for fellows interested in pursuing such.