The Stanford Immunology Interdepartmental Program (IDP) offers interdisciplinary training in research and teaching leading to a Ph.D. in Immunology. The primary goal of the program is to provide outstanding training and education and graduating productive and innovative young scientists prepared for successful careers in immunology and related disciplines. Our students benefit greatly from the long tradition of collaboration among the immunology laboratories, with an emphasis on the application of cutting edge approaches to problems in cellular, molecular, computational, and clinical immunology. Immunology faculty members are leaders in their respective areas of research, and often incorporate bench to bedside approaches.
- PhD candidates in biomedical sciences kickoff studies at white coat ceremony. Students in doctoral programs, from epidemiology to biomedical physics, don their lab coats and pledge their commitment to scientific ethics.
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April 11, 2025 Dissertation Defense Camilo Espinosa Bernal, Nima Aghaeepour Lab, "AI and Multiomic Profiling to Bridge Clinical Research and Therapeutic Interventions in LMICs"
Chair's Message
- Stanford Immunology is home to faculty, students, postdocs, and staff who work together to develop internationally recognized research in immunology. Join us in this exciting journey!
Olivia Martinez, Ph.D.
Professor of Surgery
Co-Director of Stanford Immunology
Director of PhD Program in Immunology
- – Medical University of Vienna
Dynamic changes in the lung immune system of breast cancer metastasis | MedUni Vienna