Marc Fischer Wins 2nd Place at the MedPhys SLAM Competition of the Northern California AAPM

May 2021.

Marc Fischer, a research student at the IMMERS lab, won second place at the MedPhys SLAM competition hosted by the Northern California Chapter of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM).  In his talk "Toward x‐ray vision in the operating room: How visualization techniques could help," Marc discussed how different visualization techniques influence users' ability to perform perception-based alignment in AR for breast reconstruction surgery.  The recording will be made available on the website of the Northern California Chapter of the AAPM.  The paper about Marc's work can be found here.

Congratulations, Marc!


Contact Information

Lucas Center for Imaging
1201 Welch Rd P170
Stanford, CA 94305-5488

Directions to Lucas Ctr