Current Lab Members


Feliks Kogan
Assistant Professor of Radiology


Dr. Kogan is an Assistant Professor with a research focus on imaging of musculoskeletal function and disease. He earned his PhD in Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania in 2013 during which he received a HHMI interfaces fellowship and completed the pre-clinical academic curriculum at the UPenn School of Medicine. Afterwards, he did his postdoctoral fellowship in the Radiology Department at Stanford. His group is focused on the development of early markers of disease with novel imaging methods, and the translation of these methods to produce actionable information to impact patient outcomes. He has extensive experience with cutting-edge imaging technologies including multimodal PET-MRI systems, novel quantitative imaging biomarkers and Ultra-high magnetic field (7T). In addition to research, Dr. Kogan has taught lectures in numerous courses at Stanford. He is a junior fellow of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and a member of Council of Early Investigators in Imaging of the Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research.

Postdoctoral Scholars

Marco Barbieri
Instructor, Radiology
Olivia Bruce
Postdoctoral Scholar, Radiology
Anthony Gatti
Postdoctoral Scholar, Radiology
Lauren Watkins
Instructor, Radiology

Graduate Students

Laurel Hales
Graduate Student
Ananya Goyal
Ph.D. Student in Bioengineering, admitted Autumn 2020

Undergraduate Students

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This profile is not available

Research Staff

Jeslyn Rumbold
Associate Director
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This profile is not available

Collaborating Faculty

Scott L. Delp, Ph.D.
Director, Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Stanford, James H. Clark Professor in the School of Engineering, Professor of Bioengineering, of Mechanical Engineering and, by courtesy, of Orthopaedic Surgery
Emily Kraus
Clinical Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery
Seth Lawrence Sherman, MD
Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Garry Gold
Stanford Medicine Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging
Akshay Chaudhari
Assistant Professor of Radiology
Kate Stevens
Associate Professor of Radiology (Musculoskeletal Imaging)
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This profile is not available
Constance Chu, MD
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery (Sports Medicine)

Collaborating Faculty (Outside Stanford)

Jamie MacKay
Senior Clinical Lecturer - Norwich Medical School
Bryan Haddock
Masters Student in Community Health and Prevention Research


Jacob Thoenen [Stanford Honors Thesis/Research Scientist] - U Missouri Medical Student

Joanna Langner [Stanford Honors Thesis] - UCSD Medical Student

Elka Rubin [Research Scientist] - U Arizona Medical Student

Ryan Alcantara [Postdoctoral Fellow] - Research Scientist - Apple Inc.

Valentina Mazzoli [Postdoctoral Fellow/Instructor] - Assistant Professor - NYU 

Postdogtoral Fellows


K99 Director