Barbieri et. al. Paper Chosen for MRM Cover Image

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Work led by Dr. Marco Barbieri on a "A method for measuring B0 field inhomogeneity using quantitative double-echo in steady-state" was published in the journal, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and was also chosen to feature on the journal cover. The paper aims to develop and validate a method for field mapping for knee imaging using the quantitative Double-Echo in Steady-State (qDESS) sequence. The method may help shorten knee imaging protocols, particular for rapid and accurate quantitative MRI imaging to assess early osteoarthritis disease changes.

Barbieri M, Chaudhari A, Moran C, Gold G, Hargreaves B, Kogan F. A Method for Measuring B0 Field Inhomogeneity using Quantitative DESS(qDESS). Magn Reson Med 2023;89(2):577-593 

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