Stanford Medicine Email Signature
Our email signature provides the contact information of the sender. Do not use your email signature to showcase honors or additional marketing. We have outlined general rules to keep our email signatures consistent and clean across our organization. Review the rules before updating your signature.
- Use the Stanford Medicine email signature if you represent two or more of the following organizations:
- Stanford Medicine Children’s Health
- Stanford School of Medicine
- Stanford Health Care
- Customize your signature with your contact information.
- Create your email signature with the sole purpose of letting people know how to reach you.
- Remove any contact lines that do not apply to you.
- Update your address with your entity location. If you work for two or more entities, default to the entity in your email address.
- Do not add additional graphics, badges, or awards.
- Do not add additional statements, taglines, or quotes.
- Do not add personal social media links.
- Do not alter the colors used in the email signature (other than for links as directed below).
Updating your signature
Questions about the Stanford School of Medicine brand? Email us: