All conferences are currently hybrid or in-person.
ID Conferences
- The Lecture Series is a weekly seminar designed specifically for our ID fellows, given over each year of clinical training. This series is designed to provide didactic education in subject material integral for the study and practice of infectious diseases. These lectures are at 8 AM on Tuesdays. This session is also intermittently dedicated to board review, focused on topics essential for preparation for the ABIM Infectious Diseases subspecialty board exam.
- Journal club meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 2 PM. Journal club focuses on discussion of current clinical and research topics in infectious diseases and HIV medicine.
- The Clinical Case Conference occurs Tuesdays at 1 PM. This is a relatively informal discussion of active cases on the Stanford and VA inpatient services, designed primarily to expose the division at large to clinical cases and for the current inpatient teams to garner advice on active cases from the rest of the division.
- The ICHS meeting occurs every Monday at 1. These meetings cover a range of topics, including discussion of current cases, protocol development, and other issues germane to the ICHS service.
- Microbiology Rounds. Each Thursday at 10:30 AM, the Stanford microbiology laboratory directors meet with the fellows and ID teams to discuss the microbiological aspects of interesting cases at Stanford.
- Weekly divisional Grand Rounds provide a forum for our entire division to convene, and discuss clinical cases, academic topics, and research activities of divisional members and invited outside speakers. Grand Rounds are held Thursday afternoons.
- Quarterly joint meetings are held between our division’s ICHS group and both the Stanford BMT Division and the Stanford Hematology Division to discuss management issues germane to recent cases, academic topics, or collaborative protocol development
- A variety of research conferences are available through the Institute for Immunity, Transplantation, and Immunology (ITI). A complete list of events and conferences is available at the ITI website:
- Research conferences are also offered through the Department of Microbiology and Immunology (to which a number of our faculty have joint appointments):
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Department of Medicine
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ID Events
There are no upcoming ID events at this time.