Message from the Chief
Welcome to the Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine website.
Our goals are to provide excellent clinical care, educate the next generation of academic Infectious Disease specialists, and make seminal research discoveries as they relate to the broad and dynamic field of infectious diseases.
We have a long tradition of excellence in research in infectious diseases in both laboratory based and clinical/translational research. Our program is composed of clinical and research presence at three medical centers: Stanford, Palo Alto VA and Santa Clara Valley Medical Center.
Faculty research encompasses a very broad area of infectious diseases, from clinical and laboratory based studies of HIV and associated diseases, molecular and cellular basis of pathogenicity of bacterial, viral and parasitic human pathogens, epidemiology of chronic diseases associated with infection, epidemiology of healthcare associated infections, studies of the human microbiome, bioinformatics and health outcomes and clinical effectiveness research.
Many faculty members have joint appointments within the School of Medicine (in basic science departments), the Center for Innovation in Global Health and Stanford University, and the Woods Institute for the Environment. Faculty research is primarily supported through NIH, VA and CDC grants and contracts, foundation support (Doris Duke, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) and industry support.
The Division has a rich tradition of training postdoctoral fellows and has received continuous NIH training grant support throughout its 50-year history. During clinical training fellows rotate through all three medical centers – the breadth of diverse clinical exposure isan acknowledged strength of the program. Our goal is to advance the career goals of each individual fellow through an individualized research plan, an advisory committee and co-mentorship by faculty in the School of Medicine and the University. Fellows’ research projects are supported through NIH funded training grants and other sponsored research support awarded to faculty in the Division and the School of Medicine.
The ID Division is noted for pioneering research, innovation, outstanding clinical care and subspecialty training
Our clinical presence as consultants is widely sought at all three medical centers. At Stanford Hospital the division provides two consulting services, the first a General Infectious Diseases service and a second immunocompromised host service (which provides consultation to all the solid organ transplant services, the hematopoietic stem cell transplant program, and the non-solid hematologic malignancy/oncology services).
Additionally, several outpatient clinics exist including those that focus on general infectious diseases, immunocompromised patients, travel-related issues and infections, HIV/AIDS (the Stanford Positive Care Clinic which also provides treatment and counseling for sexually transmitted infections), and orthopedic infections. Patients at the Palo Alto VA are supported through general infectious diseases in-patient consultation and an outpatient ID and HIV/AIDS clinics. The ID division at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center provides clinical care to a wide variety of patients through general infectious diseases in-patient consultation and through general infectious disease clinic and the HIV/AIDS clinic (Pace Clinic). The ID clinical services are among the busiest consult services at all three medical centers, and each has a reputation for excellence.
The ID Division at Stanford is noted for pioneering research and innovation and outstanding clinical care and subspecialty training. We welcome you to visit our website and encourage you to contact us to explore the opportunities for training and research collaborations.