Core Leadership
Jeffrey L. Goldberg, MD, PhD
Professor and Chair, Department of Ophthamology
Khizer Khaderi, MD, MPH
Founder, Director
Surgeon | Technologist | Entrepreneur
Mohan Reddy, MS, MBA
Associate Director of Technology
Technologist | Venture | Entrepreneur
Brian Mullins
Associate Director of Operations
Operations | Technologist | Entrepreneur
Senior Staff
Curt Von Badinski, BMSE
Sensor Technologist | Wearables | Entrepreneur
Najeeb Kudiya, Esq
Legal | Privacy | Venture
Ryan Hoffman
Marketing | Optimization | Entrepreneur
Nick Sherman
Design | Technologist | Creative
Richard Flier
Strategy | Development | Entrepreneurship
Mike Wann
Media | Gaming | Entrepreneur
Carrie Gouskos
Producer | Game Dev | Innovator