Patient Care

General Medicine Wards

Academic Hospitalists in our division staff approximately 80% of the University Teaching Service along with some of our outstanding sub-specialist colleagues who have been recognized for their teaching and clinical care.  The service consists of 6 ward teams, each of which is composed of one senior resident, two interns, a case manager/social worker, often a pharmacist, as well as medical students rotating through their core and sub-I rotations.  

The medicine wards serves as the backbone of the rotations for the medicine residents. In addition to clinical rounds and bedside teaching, our hospitalists also enhance the educational experience for residents and students through multiple modalities including teaching conferences, simulation and other quality improvement projects that directly affect patient care on the wards.

Medicine Consult Team

The Medicine Consult/Procedure Team is also staffed by faculty in the Hospitalist Division.  This team consists of 1 senior resident and a hospitalist and assists with medical consultation for any service at SHC or LPCH that is not staffed by a hospitalist co-manager. 

Procedure Service

The Procedure Service is integrated into the Medical Consult team and serves to educate and support the inpatient medicine teams to reduce procedure-related complications.  All procedures are done with the assistance of bedside ultrasound and trainees receive training in our simulation center in advance.  Commonly performed procedures include:

  • Central venous line access
  • Paracentesis
  • Thoracentesis
  • Lumbar Puncture
  • Knee joint arthrocentesis
  • Abscess I&D

Med 7

The Med 7 Section, formed in 2021, is a new section within the Division of Hospital Medicine. Academic Hospitalists staff this section with Advance Practice Providers (APPs). Each team within this section is composed of 2-3 APPs, a dedicated case manager and social worker, a pharmacist, as well as Physician Assistant students rotating through their core and elective rotations. The patient population is identical to General Medicine Wards.

Surgical Co-Management Services

The Surgical Co-Management (SCM) Section in the Division of Hospital Medicine at Stanford University provides collaborative care to surgical patients in the inpatient non-ICU setting in the Departments of Orthopedic Surgery, Neurosurgery, and ENT at the Palo Alto location. This program has earned international, national, and regional reputation, and celebrated its 10-year anniversary in 2022.

Our SCM hospitalists are dedicated to each of these surgical services year-round and generally do not round on the General Medicine Service. Our SCM hospitalists are committed to exemplary patient care, interdisciplinary collaboration, medical education, quality improvement, and research, and have successfully reduced perioperative medical complications in a cost-effective manner. SCM Hospitalists also engage in advancing medical education for medical students, Internal Medicine house staff, Geriatric Medicine fellows, physician assistant students, surgical house staff, surgical advanced practice providers, and nursing staff.


The nocturnist section offers afterhours coverage and support for divisions across the School of Medicine.  Our faculty and moonlighters provide in-hospital coverage for 13  services including heart transplant, VAD, electrophysiology, lung transplant, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, renal transplant, gastroenterology/hepatology, and hematology/oncology (Med9).  In addition the group assists our surgical co-management colleagues with urgent patient care issues that arise overnight.  Nocturnists also serve to support and educate internal medicine residents as they rotate on nights.

Stanford Tri-Valley

The Stanford Tri-Valley Hospitalist Group was formed in 2015. The team aims to forward Stanford's missions of excellence in clinical care, quality improvement, teaching, and research. Stanford Health Care Tri-Valley is a 167 bed hospital located in Pleasanton, California that serves the Tri-Valley and surrounding communities. The Stanford Tri-Valley hospitalist team has multiple active education programs: Stanford Internal Medicine Resident rotation (Hospitalist Elective), Stanford HealthCare Tri-Valley PA/NP Visiting Student Rotation, Stanford Physician Assistant Student Rotation, and the Stanford HealthCare Tri-Valley Clinical Academy (Pre-medical summer experience).


Formed in 2024, the Stanford Sequoia unit utilizes a “hospital within-a-hospital” model to provide excellent direct care to patients by Stanford faculty hospitalists. Housed in Redwood City, the patients are transported from the Main Campus ED and inpatients units, and have purely Internal Medicine diagnoses. Hospitalists work with in-house ancillary staff as well as tele-consulting services to provide excellent, compassionate, high-quality, cost-efficient care.