Housestaff Information Technology Enhancement Council
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Housestaff Resources
Access and Accounts
Your SCVMC username will be provided by your supervisor. You can reset your password by calling tech support.
Remote Access
You will need to instal Citrix Receiver.
Two-factor Authentication
WiFi Access
Providers at SCVMC can enable persistent WiFi network access. Connect to the "hhs_guest" network then follow the prompts to register as a Designated Provider by clicking the Registration button. Follow these detailed instructions.
You can access your SCVMC email from your phone or any web browser: http://webmail.sccgov.org/
- Outside of hospital: +1-408-885-5000
- Within hospital: 0
Dial Out
- Press 8-1 then dial 9-digit phone number.
Tech Support
Dial the Operator and ask for tech support: +1-408-885-5000
Dial the IS Service Desk directly: +1-408-970-2222
Make Technology at SCVMC Better
SCVMC Technology Services and Solutions Service Desk
Service Request Form
Epic Training Resource (MedWiki)
SCVHHS HealthLink Portal contains training a tips directly from SCVMC. Log in using your SCVMC email (<epic_username>@hhs.sccgov.org) with same password used for SCVMC remote portal.
Haiku is a mobile version of Epic. Its features are limited but it can be very useful if used correctly.
Quick Setup
- Install Haiku: Install on iPhone | Install on Android
- Navigate to Haiku-Canto Registration and follow the prompts.
Enter Orders Via Haiku
Almost any order you can enter on Epic can be entered on Haiku. You can even place orders for outpatients. In some cases you simply need to save a customized order on Epic to allow you to place that order on Haiku.
Paging Consults
Use amion and the login "scvh".
HealthLink Secure Chat
You can also use HealthLink Secure Chat with On Call Finder to find consultants, team providers, and unit-based ancillary staff. Watch this video to see these tools in action. Secure chat is available through HealthLink (Epic) and on Haiku.
HITEC is leading a pilot program to bring Dragon to SCVMC housestaff. Check back here for updates.
Improve Technology
Main page for Technology Improvement at SCVMC
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