Dictation at LPCH
Quick Instructions
- Dial +1-866-736-5719 or x7-8278 from inside LPCH.
- Enter Physician ID (6 digits, same as Stanford)
- Enter speciality
- Enter work type
- Enter the CSN as prompted
- Enter the 6-digit date
- You will be asked to press 2 to begin dictation
- Begin the dictation with:
- Date of service
- Physician name and title
- Patient name and spelling
- Attending name
- Report recipients with address
- Finish dictation
- Press 6 to mark this a priority message
- Press 5 to end dictation
Clinic Area Codes
- Adolescent Medicine: 200
- Allergy/Immunology: 202
- Audiology: 203
- BMT: 40
- Cardiology: 42
- CV Transplant: 211
- Child Psychiatry: 126
- Craniofacial Anomalies: 209
- Craniosynostosis: 210
- Dermatology: 57
- Diabetes: 213
- Endocrinology: 61
- ENT: 62
- Gastroenterology: 67
- General Surgery: 143
- Genetic Counseling: 268
- Genetics: 72
- Genetic Metabolism: 220
- Hand: 77
- Hematology: 78
- Development and Behavior: 223
- Infectious Disease: 81
- Kidney Transplant: 86
- Liver Transplant: 88
- Nephrology: 96
- Neuro Oncology: 269
- Neurology: 97
- Neurosurgery: 100
- OB: 270
- OB Genetics: 236
- OB PDC: 271
- Occupational Therapy: 242
- Oncology: 103
- Ophthalmology: 65
- Pain Medicine: 111
- Pedi Clinical Research: 272
- Physical Therapy: 118
- Peds Weight Clinic: 288
- Plastic Surgery: 119
- Primary Care: 125
- Pulmonary: 127
- Rheumatology: 80
- Speech Therapy: 261
- Urology: 148
- Vascular Malformation: 267
Notes Types
- H&P: 2
- Inpatient Consult: 4
- Operative Report: 5
- Inpatient Letter: 6
- Discharge Summary: 7
- Interim Summary: 8
- Clinic Visit/Consult/Note: 10
- EEG: 11
- Outpatient Letter: 13
- Dictate/Pause: 2
- Short rewind: 3
- Go to end: 44
- End dictation: 5
- STAT transcription: 6
- Rewind to beginning: 77
- New report: 8
- Play job ID number: #
LPCH HIMS: +1-650-497-8611
Dragon lets you dictate notes using your mobile device (Nuance PowerMic Mobile App), handset (PowerMic), or built in computer microphone (even when logged in remotely).
At LPCH, Dragon is enabled for all users by default. You can navigate to the LPCH Dragon Medical One training page for more information.
Initiate Training (Optional)
- Send an email to epicprovidertraining@stanfordchildrens.org with subject "Request training for Dragon Mobile"
Nuance PowerMic Mobile
Begin by installing the app on your mobile device: Install on iOS | Install on Android
After the app is installed navigate to the LPCH Configuration page from your mobile device and click on the corresponding link. This will open in the app and install a configuration profile. You can have more than one profile installed at a time (SHC, SCH, SCVMC, etc.).
- Press "Dragon " button on top row within Epic to launch Dragon.
- Fill in your LPCH username
- Select how you want to dictate (mobile device, hardware PowerMic, or built in computer microphone)
- Choose your specialty, and press go
- (optional) Launch PowerMic Mobile on your mobile device and point it at the instance of Dragon running within Epic
- Dictate!