Hematology Faculty

Division Chief

Ann Mullally, MD


Physician-scientist studying myeloid malignancies.

Major interests are myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) and clonal hematopoiesis (CH) .

Active areas of research include (i) biology & therapy of mutant calreticulin, (ii) JAK2V617F biology, (iii) clonal expansion of MPN stem cells, (iv) immunological approaches to target MPN.


Steven E. Artandi, MD, PhD

Jerome and Daisy Low Gilbert Professor,

Director of Stanford Cancer Institute

Understanding the early stages of cancer development

Mechanisms in dyskeratosis congenita and other degenerative diseases

Telomerase function inside human stem cells and cancer cells

Caroline Bérubé, MD

Clinical Associate Professor

Medical Director Outpatient Anticoagulation Clinic

General hematology

Specific interest in clinical thrombosis and hemostasis, management of anticoagulation, hemophilia, pregnancy-related hematologic conditions, immune thrombocytopenia, and anemia.

Ami Bhatt, MD, PhD


My laboratory uses molecular, micro- and computational biology techniques to dissect the role of the microbiota in hematological disorders.

We hope to target vulnerabilities in hematological disorders characterizing and modifying the human microbiota, thereby improving patient outcomes.

Linda M. Boxer, MD, PhD

Stanley McCormick Memorial Professor

Vice Dean, School of Medicine

Roni Brar, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Optimizing clinical evaluation for patients with benign and malignant hematologic conditions.

Novel clinical trials for acute myeloid leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, multiple myeloma, and other hematologic malignancies.

Implementing personalized genomic medicine with high impact results into the clinic. 

May Chien, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Gene therapy for hemophilia and understanding the pathophysiology of immune thrombocytopenia. 


Robert Diep, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Benign Hematology Consult Core

Tamara Dunn, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Program Director, Hematology Fellowship Program

Associate Chair of Diversity and Inclusion in the Department of Medicine

Bita Fakhri, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor

My research focus is on the development of novel therapies for chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma, with a particular interest in cell-based therapies (bispecific T cell engagers), and new targets/pathways (BTK degraders and ROR1). My other area of focus is understanding the predictive and prognostic value of pathogenic mutations commonly seen in CLL/SLL and their association with clinical behavior. Last but not least, I have a genuine interest in clinical trial equity, and identifying the surmountable barriers to clinical trial enrollment among underserved and marginalized populations.

Lawrence Tim Goodnough, MD

Professor, Pathology & Medicine

Oversees and supervises rotation of Hematology/ Oncology fellows in Transfusion Service

Director, Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Program

Associate Medical Director, Stanford Blood Center

Jason R. Gotlib, MD


Phase I/II trial evaluation of novel therapies for myelodysplastic syndromes, acute myelogenous leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, and chronic myeloproliferative disorders (MPDs, eg. polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, primary myelofibrosis, hypereosinophilic syndromes, and systemic mastocytosis) Translational research collaborations to interrogate the molecular basis of CML and chronic MPDs
MPDs Associate Director, Stanford Myelodysplastic Syndromes Center Director, Hematology Division Tissue Bank Director, Med 8, Inpatient Hematology Service 

Peter L. Greenberg, MD

Professor, Emeritus (Active)  

As Director of the Stanford MDS Center, Dr Greenberg has an active clinical practice focusing on the evaluation and treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and clonal myeloid disorders. His clinical research involves design and coordination of clinical trials using experimental drugs with biologic focus for both lower and higher risk MDS patients not responding to standard therapies. He is Coordinator of the International Working Group for Prognosis in MDS (IWG-PM) which generated the revised MDS classification system (the IPSS-R) and is now evaluating the impact of molecular mutations on this risk-based prognostic system. He is Chair of the NCCN Practice Guidelines Panel for MDS.

David Iberri, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Caring for patients with multiple myeloma, Waldenström macroglobulinemia, and related plasma-cell and lymphoid disorders.

Using novel biomarkers to personalize therapy and predict treatment response

Participating in clinical trials to advance the care of patients with a variety of hematologic malignancies including MDS, AML, and CLL.

Calvin J. Kuo, MD, PhD

Maureen Lyles D'Ambrogio Professor

Organoid modeling of cancer

Intestinal stem cell biology

Blood-brain barrier vascular biology

Lawrence L.K. Leung, MD

Maureen Lyles D'Ambrogio Professor

Thrombin-activatable carboxypeptidase B2 in the crosstalk between coagulation, thrombosis, inflammation and innate immunity

Thrombin cleavage of osteopontin in cancer biology

Chemerin and insulin resistance

Epidemiology Center in Research and Information (ERIC) in support of genomics at Palo Alto VA

Michaela Liedtke, MD


Director, Stanford Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Program

Sydney X. Lu, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Sydney's laboratory is broadly interested in studying RNA processing and splicing in the contexts of:
1) normal and pathologic immunity and immunotherapy
2) cancer biology
3) normal and malignant hematopoiesis

Ravi Majeti, MD, PhD

RZ Cao Professor of Medicine

Molecular characterization of human acute myeloid leukemia stem cells and their pathogenesis using bioinformatics, genomics, microfluidics, flow cytometry, and xenotransplantation assays in mice Development of novel therapeutic monoclonal antibodies directed against human acute myeloid leukemia stem cell surface antigens Investigation of normal human hematopoiesis and hematopoietic stem cells using similar techniques.

Jim Malone, MD

Clinical Associate Professor

Benign Hematology consult service

Gabriel Mannis, MD

Assistant Professor

My research focuses on the development of novel therapies for acute leukemia, with a particular interest in immunotherapy, targeted agents, and predictive biomarkers as a means to improve outcomes and quality of life for patients with hematologic malignancies.

Beth A. Martin, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor 

Clinical interests include the histiocytoses including HLH/MAS, autoimmune hematology including T-LGL, AIHA, and Castleman.  Educational interests include physical diagnosis, clinical decision-making and communication under desperate circumstances, and chemotherapy.  My research focuses on HLH.

Bruno Medeiros, MD

Affiliated Professor

My research interests focus on the experimental therapeutics of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) with the ultimate goal of improving our understanding of the genomic abnormalities responsible for leukemogenesis and how these abnormalities can be exploited therapeutically. It also includes the development and incorporation of novel agents into the treatment regimens for young and older patients with AML and those with acute leukemia secondary to antecedent hematologic disorders.  

Beverly S. Mitchell, MD

George E. Becker Professor  

Role of nucleotides in regulating nucleolar organization, function and cell proliferation

Novel therapies for acute leukemia with correlative studies

Function of a novel DNA repair protein with ubiquitin ligase activity

Elizabeth A. Price, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor

Clinical and laboratory characterization of unexplained anemia of aging Development of clinical protocol evaluating hematologic and functional response to interventions in unexplained anemia of aging


Tait Shanafelt, MD

Jeanie and Stew Ritchie Professor

Determining why people develop CLL and, its precursor condition, monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis (MBL). 

Identifying molecular characteristics and prognostic tools that predict which CLL patients will experience a more aggressive disease course. 

Identification and testing of new compounds for treating CLL. 

William Shomali, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Dr. William Shomali is a Clinical Assistant Professor in Hematology and his goal is to study novel targeted therapies in patients with blood cancers, with a focus on myeloproliferative neoplasms and myelodysplastic syndromes.  

James L. Zehnder, MD


Clinical and laboratory investigation of thrombosis and bleeding disorders Molecular diagnostic testing for inherited thrombophilia and hematololymphoid malignancy

Tian Zhang, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Tian Yi Zhang is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in Hematology and a member of Stanford Cancer Institute. She earned her MD and PhD from University of Utah. Dr. Zhang completed her Hematology and Oncology Fellowship at Stanford and is a board-certified hematologist. While at Stanford, she completed post-doctoral training in the laboratory of Ravi Majeti, where she investigated why patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) develop bone marrow failure. Dr. Zhang is the recipient of the ASH RTAF award, the A.P. Giannini Fellowship award, SCI fellowship award, and the NIH T32 Hematology Training grant. She was recently awarded the American Cancer Society-Stanford Cancer Institute Pilot Grant to study immune repertoire perturbations in IDH mutated AML. Dr. Zhang’s current research on AML induced bone marrow failure is funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Career Development Award (K08). Her clinical focus includes the comprehensive care of patients with AML and other myeloid malignancies. She hopes to use the cutting edge science uniquely available at Stanford to develop a robust translational medicine program in the Division of Hematology.