Lesson 3 -Move it or Lose it
To learn more about strength training:
- Read recommended books on strength training:
Strength Training Past 50, 3rd Edition eBook, by Wayne Wescott
Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning 4th Edition, An evidence-based strength training by Wayne Wescott, Human Kinetics, 2016 - Join an exercise class that includes strength training
- Join a local gym and have a program designed for you
- Hire a personal trainer for an hour to set up a program for you
- Rent/buy a video on strength training with a certified instructor and do at home program
Examples of Strength Training Exercises:
- Sit ups, push ups (using your own body weight for resistance)
- Weight machines
- Water aerobics
- Dumbbells, strap on weights, elastic bands
- Pilates
- Astanga Yoga – power yoga