Illumina Services

Illumina Library Preparation

10X Single Cell Genomics library prep services and prices are available in iLAB.

Bulk library prep services and prices are available in iLAB.

Please link to iLAB at


Quality Control Services

Service Type
Fragment Analyzer
Qubit ds DNA 
Kapa Quant qPCR

Illumina Sequencing

Platform Run Type Average Read Output
iSeq 100 2x150 bp 4 Million Reads
MiSeq Micro 2x150 bp 4 Million Reads
 MiSeq 2x75 bp 22-25 Million Reads
2x150 bp 12-15 Million Reads
2x250 bp 12-15 Million Reads
2x300 bp 22-25 Million Reads
HiSeq 4000 2x100 bp 250-400 Million Reads
2x150 bp 250-400 Million Reads
NovaSeq 6000 SP 2x150 bp* 325-400 Million Reads
SP 2x250 bp* 325-400 Million Reads
S1 2x100 bp* 750-800 Million Reads
S1 2x150 bp* 750-800 Million Reads
S2 2x100 bp 1650-2050 Million Reads
S2 2x150 bp 1650-2050 Million Reads
S4 2x100 bp 2000-2500 Million Reads
S4 2x150 bp 2000-2500 Million Reads
Sequel Diffusion 4 SMRT cells Inquire with Staff
8 SMRT cells Inquire with Staff

Sequencing services and prices are available in iLAB.

Please link to iLAB at

Please visit our PacBio sequencing page to determine the loading type that is best suited for your experiment.

* These runs are very uncommonly submitted.  If you wish to run them, you should submit enough lanes to fill a full flow cell (8 lanes or multiples of 8 for multiple flow cells for HiSeq 4000 submissions, 4 lanes or multiples of 4 for S4 NovaSeq 6000 submissions, and 2 lanes or multiples of 2 lanes for S1/S2 NovaSeq 6000 submissions).  Submissions that are not in appropraite multiples are unlikely to have all of the lanes sequenced in a timely manner. A full list of all possible sequencing variants/setups is available upon request.