GBM study published in Science Translational Medicine
Our work on identifying three subgroups of glioblastoma using their imaging phenotype apprears in Science Translational Medicine here. This work flips the common paradigm of first using molecular data to define subtypes and then associate clinical phenotypes on its head. Haruka used imaging phenotypes to define subtypes and then associated them with molecular pathway activity. The results show that subtypes of glioblastoma might benefit from targeted therapy.
Pre multi-focal cluster
This GBM cluster is characterized by irregular margins, similar looking to multi focal lesions.
Pre-multi focal cluster
Spherical cluster
This cluster captures GBMs that are approximately spherical shaped.
Spherical cluster
Rim enhancing cluster
This cluster captures GBMs that are spherical but have a dark core, presumed to be necrotic. This is often called rim enhancing as the rim of the tumor is bright but the core is dark.