Endocrine Surgical Oncology

About Us

We provide comprehensive care for individuals who are newly diagnosed or living with endocrine tumors of the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and neuroendocrine tumors. Our internationally recognized experts work as multidisciplinary teams to provide patients with a comprehensive evaluation with the goal of providing accurate and rapid diagnosis and customized treatment plans. We provide state-of-the-art care for the best possible outcomes, which includes access to the latest diagnostic technology, treatments, and innovative clinical trials. The Stanford Endocrine Oncology Program is one of few centers in the country and the only one in California dedicated to patients with endocrine tumors. 


Robin Cisco, MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Surgery - General Surgery
Electron Kebebew, MD, FACS
Harry A. Oberhelman, Jr. and Mark L. Welton Professor
Dana Lin, MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Surgery - General Surgery
Jeffrey Norton, MD
Robert L. and Mary Ellenburg Professor of Surgery, Emeritus
Carolyn Dacey Seib, MD, MAS
Associate Professor of Surgery (General Surgery)

Make an Appointment

Call us to make an appointment
Tel: (650) 498-6000

Prepare For Your Appointment

Review the New Patient Packet for information about:

  • What to expect on the day of your appointment
  • Maps, directions, parking, public transit options, and contact information
  • Other patient resources

International Patients
Tel: +1 (650) 723-8561
Email:    IMS@stanfordhealthcare.org



•  Location and Parking

•  Billing and Insurance

•  Patient and Family Resource Guide

•  Voice recording of interview with Dr. Electron Kebebew on the new Endocrine Clinic:

•  Video of Drs. Cisco & Lin's presentation on "Scarless Thyroidectomy" at Grand Rounds: