Surgical Oncology

The Section of Surgical Oncology provides a state-of-the-art approach to cancer therapy that is centered around cutting-edge surgical treatment and multi-disciplinary patient evaluation.

Faculty within the Section have developed pioneering clinical programs in:

•      Complex GI Surgical Oncology

•      Breast Surgical Oncology

•      Endocrine Surgical Oncology

•      Melanoma Surgical Oncology

•      Peritoneal Surface Malignancy Program

•      Sarcoma Program

These programs are positioned within the Stanford Cancer Institute, where surgeons evaluate patients alongside medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists and radiologists to provide multi-modality treatment planning tailored to each individual patient.

There is an emphasis on research that can be translated to clinical applications, giving patients quick access to new therapies and the opportunity to participate in innovative clinical trials.

More than half of the Section faculty have federal or other extramural funding to support their research programs, including R01, R21 and K76 grants from the NIH, a DoD Rare Cancer Award and career development awards from the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation, the Goldman Sachs Foundation, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the California Breast Cancer Research Program, and Beyond Cancer.

The Section of Surgical Oncology plays a central role in the education of future leaders in Surgery through Stanford’s General Surgery Residency Program and specialized Fellowships in Breast Surgery, and Complex General Surgical Oncology. Faculty within the Section are among the most decorated teachers within Stanford Surgery.


George A. Poultsides, MD, MS
Chief, Section of Surgical Oncology
Daniel James Delitto, MD, PhD, FACS
Assistant Professor of Surgery (General Surgery)
Byrne Lee, MD FACS
Clinical Professor, Surgery - General Surgery
Jeffrey Norton, MD
Robert L. and Mary Ellenburg Professor of Surgery, Emeritus
George A. Poultsides, MD, MS
Professor of Surgery (General Surgery)
Robin Cisco, MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Surgery - General Surgery
Electron Kebebew, MD, FACS
Harry A. Oberhelman, Jr. and Mark L. Welton Professor
Dana Lin, MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Surgery - General Surgery
Jeffrey Norton, MD
Robert L. and Mary Ellenburg Professor of Surgery, Emeritus
Carolyn Dacey Seib, MD, MAS
Associate Professor of Surgery (General Surgery)
Byrne Lee, MD FACS
Clinical Professor, Surgery - General Surgery
Jean Jingzhi Bao
Clinical Associate Professor, Surgery - General Surgery
Frederick M. Dirbas, MD
Associate Professor of Surgery (General Surgery)
Mardi Karin, MD, FACS
Clinical Professor, Surgery - General Surgery
Stefanie S. Jeffrey, MD
John and Marva Warnock Professor, Emerita
Kimberly Stone, MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Surgery - General Surgery
Candice N. Thompson, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Surgery - General Surgery Masters Student in Epidemiology and Clinical Research, admitted Autumn 2023
Jacqueline Tsai, MD, FACS
Clinical Associate Professor, Surgery - General Surgery
Irene Wapnir, MD
Professor of Surgery (General Surgery)
Amanda Kirane, MD, PhD, FACS, FSSO
Assistant Professor of Surgery (General Surgery)
Dana Lin, MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Surgery - General Surgery
Kimberly Stone, MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Surgery - General Surgery